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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa

National Support Services - Slovenia



    CMEPIUS, the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Education and Training Programmes (Center RS za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja) is a public institution, which was founded in 2003. By gathering informal and formal knowledge and experience the Centre constitutes an important element of the European education area, while providing for the placement and integration of Slovenian organisations in the broader European society. Furthermore, it is the National Agency responsible for the implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme and its successor, the Erasmus+ programme (for the fields of education, training and sport).

    Since 2005 the Centre has been functioning as the national support service for the eTwinning action. Moreover, it is responsible for the coordination of the national ECVET group of experts, it participates in the Work Based Learning European project and coordinates other specific national and international programmes and initiatives, such as EURAXESS, CEEPUS, Slovenian Scholarship Fund SI04 – EEA and NFM, as well as bilateral scholarships.

    Regular activities of the Centre and international mobility programmes include:


    Projects and support activities include:

    mag. Andreja Lenc, Head of sector (

    Maruša Bajt, counsellor (

    Adult education in Slovenia has a long tradition and it is integrated in the education system. By setting up development services, expert bodies and adult education organisations and through organised and continuous informing of the public, promotion of lifelong learning, as well as other development initiatives, Slovenia preserved its adult education system also during the transition period.

    As a member of the EU since 2004, Slovenia has been characterised by similar development changes and challenges as most other Member States. The population is aging, markets are very dynamic, IT and other technologies are developing fast, while the globalisation process continuously affects and changes work and life conditions. We detect an increased social stratification, however, the situation can be improved through education and training. It is education and training that offer individuals an opportunity for personal growth, employment, welfare and increased social security, and ensure the development, progress and social cohesion of the society.

    Adult education in Slovenia is regulated by the Adult Education Act (Zakon o izobraževanju odraslih; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 110/2006, official consolidated text), which is a solid foundation for the development of the sector, and the Resolution on the National Adult Education Programme in the Republic of Slovenia 2013-2020 (Resolucije o Nacionalnem programu izobraževanja odraslih v Republiki Sloveniji za obdobje 2013–2020; ReNPIO 2013–2020). Each year the Government of the Republic of Slovenia also adopts the Annual Adult Education Programme, specifying education programmes and activities funded from the State budget in a specific year.

    With the  National Adult Education Programme in the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia aims to increase the population education levels, general education, while improving opportunities for education and thus, improving employability of the active population. With respect to general education of the population, the resolution includes the objective to increase the share of adults in the age group from 25 to 64 years who participate in general education to 8 percent (in 2011 approximately 5% of adults from the above-specified age group participated in general education).

    The resolution further aims to decrease the share of population above 15 years without completed primary school from 4.4% (2011) to 2.2% by 2020. The share of population in the age group from 25 to 64 years with completed secondary professional education should increase from 57% in 2011 to 63% in 2020. By promoting and co-funding enrolment in short-cycle professional higher education programmes the share of population in the age group from 30 to 34 years with completed tertiary education should also increase.

    The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport admits that the current allocated funds do not allow for the implementation of the proposed plan in full. Therefore, the Ministry believes that the specified programmes will need to be partially funded from other sources, e.g. local communities, employer associations and individuals, as well as international project funding sources. However, the attainment of objectives significantly depends on the partner agreement with the European Community on the drawing of funds from the European Social Fund after 2014.

    Source: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, 29 January 2015

    National Stakeholders are:

    +386 1 620 94 50
    +386 1 620 94 51