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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


I 2024 finner den 10. nordiske konferansen om voksnes læring sted i Island.

Profile picture for user Ingrid Radtke.
Ingrid Radtke

EPALE Norge var partner da den niende nordiske konferansen om voksnes læring fant sted i 2022 ved Universitetet   i Sørøst-Norge, Campus Vestfold iUSN – Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge. I år går turen til pedagogisk institutt ved Universitet i Island. 

Call for papers

We invite you to submit an abstract for the 10th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning which will be held from the 22nd to the 24th of May 2024 in Reykjavík, Iceland, under the theme:

Shaping Futures, Empowering Lives: Adult Learning at the Heart of Flourishing for Individuals and Societies

This conference is a vibrant meeting point for researchers, policymakers, organizational leaders, and practitioners. Through a series of plenary sessions, paper presentations, roundtable discussions, and informal networking breaks, we will delve into the central role of lifelong learning and adult education to empower citizens to lead fulfilling lives, overcome challenges, and collectively foster resilient societies in the face of global challenges.

As we cast our gaze towards the future, we recognize that learning, humanity’s success strategy, will assume an even more central role in our daily lives. However, we must also acknowledge that adult education and learning have often been relegated to a remedial role, used to ‘fix’ issues rather than being integrated seamlessly into our everyday activities.

This conference is not just a gathering, but an opportunity for introspection and growth. It provides us with a unique opportunity to reflect on the insights gained by researchers and practitioners in the field, refine our methodologies, and chart new paths. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the individuals and communities we serve are equipped with ample opportunities for lifelong learning. Let’s embrace the power of education and learning to shape our future together.


Venue: University Iceland, School of Education. v/ Stakkahlíð, Reykjavík

Organizers: University Iceland, School of Education. 

Scientific committee UI: Hróbjartur Árnason, Hildur Betty Krisjánsdóttir, Helgi Þ. Svavarsson

Guidelines for abstracts: Submit an abstract of a maximum of 400 words, excluding your contact information, no later than 01.03.2024. Please follow the format below. You will be informed regarding acceptance by 15.03.2024

Submissions are entered in the OxfordAbstracts portal. Link coming soon.

Three types of entries: Papers, Symposia, Roundtables

Paper presentation 

A paper presents ongoing or completed research. An abstract for the paper presentation should:

  • Describe the purpose of the research - specify what methodology is used for the research
  • Report key findings of the study
  • Infer from the results
  • Reflect on its relevance for Nordic adult education and learning research

The abstract should not be longer than 400 words.

The organizing committee will group papers into several sessions, each comprising a maximum of three papers, with oral presentations and discussions of papers. The time allotted for each paper will be 30 minutes:

20 minutes for a presentation by the author(s) and 10 minutes for discussion. 


We invite proposals for symposium sessions. A symposium session presents papers focused on a common theme and is proposed and planned by a symposium organizer. A symposium has a chair (often the organizer) and one or more discussants who have read the papers in advance. Some symposia will overlap more than one session. The symposium organizer will decide how the symposium will be organized and the time to be allotted for each presentation. It is recommended that at least two different countries/national perspectives be represented in the symposium. 

The organizer of the symposium should submit a symposium proposal with a plan for the symposium and indicating all the following elements: 

  • The title of the symposium 
  • An abstract outlining the theme for the symposium as a whole (400 words or less) 
  • A Chairperson and a Discussant, who can offer a critique of the symposium, need to be named on the proposal.


  • The paper presentations will be individually entered into the abstract portal by each presenter and linked to the symposium.
  • The organizer of the symposium is responsible for communicating with the contributors and the conference organizer. 

Roundtable discussions 

We also welcome proposals for roundtable sessions. A roundtable session is a forum for presenting and discussing developmental work and research plans. Roundtable sessions are intended for focused, small-group discussions of research in progress, practitioner experiences, educational development initiatives, and institutional effectiveness and improvement issues. It is recommended that at least two different countries/national perspectives be represented in the roundtable session. 

The organizer of the roundtable session should submit a proposal with a plan for the discussion that includes all the following elements in a single document: 

  • The title of the roundtable 
  • An abstract describing the focus and purpose of the session and ways in which participants will be engaged (400 words or less)
  • The names of the contributors and titles or short descriptions of their individual presentations (400 words or less in total)

Practical information about the conference

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