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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


5th VPL Biennale in Ireland – Registration and Call for proposals announced

Profile picture for user n002fy51.
Anni Karttunen
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

Announcing the 5th Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) Biennale!

People, validation and power: democracy in action?

Kilkenny, Ireland,  6-8.5. 2024

5th VPL Biennale.

Registration and Call for Proposals are now open at (direct links to themes and the call for proposal below)

  • catch the early bird registration fee 
  • consider the themes and prepare your proposal to share your work
  • begin to plan your journey
  • join the conversation with us as we develop this wonderful programme

VPL thinkers and practitioners from across the globe will gather to explore approaches to validation, the systems used and the potential they offer. We will consider underlying forces at play, challenges faced, solutions developed, and what all of this means for individuals, for societies, for skills, for inclusion and mobility in the bigger picture of our global practices.

Join us on LinkedIn (VPL Biennale) and on X @VPLBiennale.

Save the date and join us! See you in Ireland in the spring!

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