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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa



Investors’ favorite during pandemic: Health care smart home solutions

Profile picture for user ozarslan.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Consumers who spend more time at home, pay more attention to their health and appearance and turn toward savings have made new generation startups more valuable than ever. One of the largest conglomerates in Turkey, Zorlu Holding, which has carried out exemplary projects on in-house ventures and the behavior of corporate venture capital funds, and Vestel Ventures, its company specializing in venture capital, pursue talented ventures.

In the first cycle of "Parlak Bi' Fikir (A Bright Idea)-", more than 300 venture ideas were collected and after 8 months of intensive work, mentoring, and training, "ConectoHub" and "AbilityPool” teams were entitled to receive investments. Both initiatives established their companies in partnership with Zorlu Holding last February. In the second cycle of the program, more and more ideas are expected to be gathered with the increasing demand for new business areas, products, and services after the pandemic.

The second cycle of “Parlak Bi' Fikir (A Bright Idea)”, the intrapreneurship project initiated by Zorlu Holding to create a business environment that promotes innovative ideas and solutions within the framework of the "Akıllı Hayat 2030 (Smart Life)" sustainability vision, kicked off with an online launch on the 10th of June. The program, which offers a new generation of career opportunities to Zorlu Group employees who wish to turn their ideas into an initiative, will continue with the formation of teams around the selected ideas. After eight months of intensive courses, mentoring, and a selection process, the teams entitled to receive investments will establish their own companies in partnership with Zorlu Holding.

More technology is needed for a new generation of healthy materials. This need has increased more during the pandemic period. Today, startups are growing 10 times faster than the average company. On the other hand, we have focused on how we can bring this understanding inside while entering in-house entrepreneurship.

While venture capital funds are also focusing on dynamism in Turkey during this period, Diffusion Capital Partners (DCP) is an independent venture capital fund management consultancy that aims to bring these opportunities to the market by providing capital for technology-focused opportunities in the early stages of their development.

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