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IoToAI: Recommendations to VET authorities to improve the current training status regarding key enabling technologies and ICT skills

Profile picture for user CEIPES.
Alessia Di Francesca
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

This report is the 1st result of IoToAI – From Internet of Things to Artificial Intelligence project (project number: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-061934) by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme – KA2, Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Exchange of good practices.

IoToAI is a project that involves partners from different European countries: Northern Ireland, Italy and Spain and it is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Exchange of good practices).

The aim of IOTOAI project is to develop a specific and innovative training for modernising workers’ and students’ profiles. Thanks to this project, the industry will also benefit, because the technicians will have the chance to apply the knowledge acquired in the training course within their factories or sectors, as they can be part of ICT departments in charge. At the same time, young employees with a completely different professional background and high IT affinity are coming forward.

This project will contribute to a higher quality of education and training offering by developing different training paths for VET students and attracting HE graduates to an innovative VET.
The downloaded document is the IO1 – Skills needs – a report regarding updates in IoT, Cloud and AI of official VET curricula to be delivered to VET authorities.
The aims of the IO1 is to analyse the current official Vocational Educational Training (VET) curricula related with ICT, to identify the gaps regarding new technologies that potentially can support the digitalisation of the enterprises at technical level.
Partners pointed out where are the blockages in the official VET curricula to deliver expertise in the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) for digitising organisations.

On the other hand, the IO1 has also the aim of analysing the SSH profiles coming from the Higher Education (HE) in order to identify the most promising ones for upgrading to digital managers and data analysts in a field of expertise.This report has been performed thanks to the collaboration of the all consortium partners of the project who have worked synergistically and actively in the following activities:

  • IO1A1 – Definition of Key Enabling Technologies
  • IO1A2 – Analysis of ICT VET curricula
  • IO1A3 – Analysis of SSH occupations

All the results of these three activities are written in this report in a form of recommendations addressed to VET authorities in the countries involved.
In particular, this document is composed of the following parts:

  • Some of the general aim and goal of IOTOAI project.
  • Some of the evolutions that technology has had in the last decades in different fields, how technology affects our life and our routine and what are the benefits in an emergency situation as the one of COVID-19.The main characteristic of the Key enabling technologies (KETs), what are their advantages and disadvantages in the current scenario.
  • A description of new kind of skills and also professions that are developing in a society that runs across technology.
  • A description on how school and VET system of the countries involved in the project implement technology in their curriculum and what are the training offers for the students.
  • The results of the research conducted by the partners during the analysis of the current panorama.
  • A final part in which partners have developed some recommendations taking into account the analyses carried out in the countries involved in the project and the results obtained.
Resource Details
Autorul resursei
Belfast Camry college, Skills divers, CEIPES, ionology and Unicerdada Politécnica de Cartagena
Tipul de resursă
Resurse educaționale deschise
Data publicării
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