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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa


Danish thematic page: 2024 EPALE thematic focuses

In 2023, EPALE has focused on the themes engage, empower and include. On this page, you will find the Danish thematic blogs from the year.

Ida Pedersen
EPALE tematiske fokusområder

Throughout 2023, EPALE wanted to highlight the potential in adult learning and training through the themes engage, empower and include. On this page, you can find the Danish contribution to the thematic focuses, which also have been a part of the Nordic Perspective series

You can revisit the articles concerning the thematic focuses on EPALE in 2023 here.  


Engage: Danes to take the lead in digital literacy with ten-year research and development project

The adult learning industry is broadly represented by ambitious project, Algorithms, Data and Democracy.  The primary purpose of the ADD project is to uncover, elucidate, upskill and find solutions to the fundamental democratic challenge that is naturally posed when more and more decisions affecting our lives and societal development are taken automatically on the basis of data and algorithms which are opaque and unfamiliar to the majority of us.

Read the blog here. 

Empower: Microcredentials – the path to an upskilled workforce

In a world where both society and working life are changing at lightning speed due to technological development as well as the green transition, it is imperative that the workforce can quickly adapt to the right skills. The EU Council of Ministers believe that microcredentials can help Europe both upskill and reskill its workforce to meet future skills requirements. Therefore, microcredentials have great learning potential, but the challenge is to ensure quality, validity and shared understanding.

Read the blog here

Include: Education as a way out of crime

Education is a way out of crime, a way to self-sufficiency og a way to become a citizen in a democratic society like all other citizens based on a commen frame of reference. "Our goal with prison education is the same as with all out other employment-oriented offers - that the inmates get out and live a crime-free life."

Read the blog here.

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Enid-teach Portugal
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Aprendizagem Ativa e Gamificada

Este é um espaço para os participantes do NOOC3 - Aprendizagem Ativa e Gamificada (implementado pelo projeto ENID- Teach) colocarem as suas ideias e debaterem os temas/recursos disponibilizadas pelo curso.
Também se pretende que seja um local para partilharem práticas inovadoras segundo as metodologias ativas e gamificadas.

Cristina PEREIRA

Focos temáticos 2021 da EPALE. Vamos começar!

Convidamo-lo(a) a enriquecer o que definimos para que este seja um ano intenso, contando com os seus contributos e experiência! Vamos começar por participar nesta discussão online. A discussão terá lugar a 9 de março de 2021, terça-feira, entre as 10:00 e as 16:00 CET (9:00 / 15:00 Lisboa). A discussão escrita será precedida por uma transmissão ao vivo com uma introdução aos focos temáticos de 2021 e será apresentada por Gina Ebner e Aleksandra Kozyra, da Associação Europeia para a Educação de Adultos (EAEA), em representação do Conselho Editorial da EPALE.

Cristina PEREIRA

Debate da EPALE: o futuro da educação de adultos

A 8 de julho de 2020 (quarta-feira), com início às 10 horas e encerramento às 16 horas (CEST), a EPALE irá promover um debate online sobre o futuro da educação de adultos. Vamos discutir sobre o futuro do setor da educação de adultos, os novos desafios e oportunidades. O debate será moderado pela especialista da EPALE Gina Ebner, secretária-geral da EAEA.

