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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



With the launch on December 1, 2023 of a new international project entitled "Green Power".

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Paulina Ścibich-Harna

With the launch on December 1, 2023 of a new international Erasmus+ project entitled "Green Power" (project no.: 2023-1-PL01-KA210-VET-000153832, vocational education and training sector) The Foundation for Education, Development and Innovation (FERI) from Krakow, Poland also started cooperation with the Regional Development Center in Parzęczew, Poland. FERI, as a project partner, today, as part of the exchange of good practices, presented interesting solutions of the Parzęczew Commune in the area of Circular Economy. In Poland there are a lot of interesting green initiatives,  often deeply hidden. It's worth reaching for them!

The Parzęczew commune, located in a picturesque part of the Łódź Voivodeship, is entering a new stage of its development with the recovery of city rights for the town of Parzęczew from January 1, 2024. This event is a milestone in the history of the commune, emphasizing its dynamic development and importance in the region.

At the heart of the activities of the Parzęczew commune is the implementation of the idea of the Circular Economy, which plays a key role in shaping the future of the local community. The Circular Economy, which is a response to contemporary ecological challenges, is based on the principles of sustainable use of resources and waste minimization. In Parzęczew, this concept is reflected in numerous initiatives and projects that focus on effective management of raw materials, promotion of recycling and support for local ecological initiatives.

Investments in renewable energy sources, educational programs promoting ecological habits, and cooperation with entrepreneurs in the field of sustainable production are just some of the activities that Parzęczew undertakes to implement the Circular Economy. Thanks to these activities, the commune becomes a role model in the field of sustainable development, showing that care for the natural environment can go hand in hand with urban development.

One of the clear examples of the implementation of the circular economy idea is the "Akcja Reakcja" (“Action, Re-action”) initiative. As part of this campaign, commune residents are encouraged to clean their village and properly segregate waste. Moreover, "Akcja Reakcja" is a response to the challenges resulting from excessive waste production.


There are more activities to protect the environment. The commune is one of the 34 partners of the FRONTSH1P research and development project, implemented under the European Union program for scientific research and innovation - Horizon 2020. Its participants work on new, ecological technologies for the economy that use raw materials from waste such as plastics, food , wood, as well as process water and sewage. The project implements a circular economy model with a closed loop, in which waste will not be thrown away, but used many times. The commune's involvement in the project includes consultations with residents, transferring data and formulating proposals for solutions on a local, regional and national scale.

New technologies also come with support for environmental protection and waste management activities. The EcoHarmonogram application, popular among commune residents, allows you to post announcements about exchanging or giving away unnecessary items and giving them a "second life" in the neighborhood. This solution not only helps keep homes tidy, but also actively supports the idea of sustainable resource management and waste minimization. At the same time, village meetings are organized under the "Action - exhibition" initiative, encouraging the exchange of things. Both initiatives are an important tool in promoting ecological values, shaping a conscious approach to waste management and promoting the "zero waste" philosophy.

Although the amount of waste increases due to the development of the commune and the influx of residents, the commune continues to put energy into promoting the circular economy and selective collection. A Closed-Circuit Economy strategy is being created, the implementation of which will have a holistic impact on reducing the amount of waste generated and processing it into raw materials that will be repeatedly used in the economy.

Additionally, the Parzęczew commune plans to support educational activities aimed at residents by organizing workshops and information meetings on ecology. The newly opened Regional Development Center (RCR) and members of the Ekohoryzont Association will be involved in educational initiatives. The aim of these initiatives is to increase ecological awareness and promote the active participation of the local community in environmental protection activities. By organizing workshops, educational meetings and information campaigns, the Parzęczew commune is actively involved in the process of building ecological awareness, showing how small changes in everyday habits can have a big impact on the condition of the environment.

Finally, it is worth noting that the effectiveness of initiatives is the result of cooperation between local authorities and non-governmental organizations, enterprises and residents themselves. This is proof that by working together we can achieve significant changes for a better future and the environment. The Parzęczew commune shows that with commitment and appropriate tools, even a small community can have a great impact on its surroundings and be an inspiration for others.






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