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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa


7th Regional EPALE Conference: "European Year of Skills"

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Daria Mršić

Within the EPALE 2022-2024 project cycle, the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education and the National Support Service (NSS) of EPALE Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the NSS EPALE teams from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, North Macedonia and Montenegro are organizing the 7th Regional EPALE Conference on November 9th and 10th, 2023.

Every year, the eight-year regional cooperation of six Southeast European countries within the Erasmus+ programme EPALE results with implementation of the joint regional event for stakeholders in one of the countries. This year, the Regional EPALE Conference will be hosted by the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two-day event will be held at hotel Vučko, Jahorina.

The regional EPALE conference will bring together approximately 100 participants from the region. Practitioners, policy makers and other adult education stakeholders will have the opportunity to hear more and discuss on this year's conference topic "European Year of Skills". The aim of the conference is to exchange good practices and strengthen the regional network of stakeholders in adult education.

During the key-note speeches and panel discussions, experts in the field of adult education from six countries of the region will talk about skills for life and work and share good examples of practice, as well as challenges they have been facing at national level. Also, participants of the conference will have the opportunity to participate in parallel workshops that aim to contribute to better quality assurance in their work with adult learners.                                            

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