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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa


“Legends and fairy tales in the intergenerational education”


“Legends and fairy tales in the intergenerational education”

Two years - five partners - exchanges of good practices in the field of Adult Education and Life-long Learning- “Legends and fairy tales in the intergenerational education”

The partners

Who we are: Stichting International YOUTH BRIDGES from the Netherlands, Mittetulundusühing MITRA from Estonia, MITRA FRANCE, Enjoy European Network Società Cooperativa Sociale  from Italy and Antalya Muratpasa Azize Kahraman Halk Egitimi Merkezi ve ASO Mudurlugu fromTurkey.

The project has a focus on legends, myths, and fairy tales as a base for storytelling which educators learn and implement with learners in different age:

Storytelling and learning from each other

Humans used the method of storytelling to preserve their stories, history, and cultural traditions of their ancestors primarily in an oral tradition. Historically, the tribal communities have used Storytelling to share language, traditions, and beliefs from one generation to another.

Legends, myths, and fairy tales can be told verbally but they often have more impact if combined with visual methods.

Having a diverse age in this project meant that everyone learns from everyone else. Older generations taught younger ones about critical thinking and problem-solving – helping them to think more tactically and strategically – and both are vital for life success. Seniors learnt how to tell fairy tales using digital tools and online equipment. In audio visual story telling brings easy for listening and learning. The young generation supported to adult learners and educators to illustrate their stories. It was a joint work. As a result, we produce e-books and audiovisual materials.

Collection of fairy tales and legends from the project partners countries demonstrates cultural diversity in Europe and helps to teach, learn, and support cultural heritage and traditions. Fairy tales and legends can be used in storytelling sessions with attractive methods of presentation – verbal and digital as hybrid education. We ‘ll share the materials for good practices.


Samples collected and presented by educators and learners during training and workshops bring a holistic approach to the learning process. Educators had the opportunity to communicate with their colleagues from different countries during this project and discuss important aspects of intercultural and intergenerational education.

The project E-Book will be distributed among all project participants for further dissemination among educators from different sectors and at public events. It is already presented some part of project results to teachers and trainers from different organizations, cultural, educational, and scientific institutions.

The open access to E-Book will enables to inform other educators on local, national, and European level about the project and its materials that can be used as good practices not only in adult education providers institutions but also in other organizations.

Please, visit the website and see the project materials here.

Legend and fairy tales in the intergenerational education.
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