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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



CareerBot - Chatbot based Career Guidance

Ruth Hurley

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The Careers Chatbot project is asking for your help in testing the latest version of our Career Chatbot, test the bot by following this link: CareerBot. Give us your feedback by filling out this short google form Careerbot feedback form Careerbot feedback form ( AI powered chatbots have created a storm of interest with the release of ChatGPT swiftly followed by other chatbot based applications and it seems likely they are going to have widespread use in education and for career guidance. While the mainstream use of chatbots is in sales and marketing they have great potential in educational settings and research suggests that if used as a part of broader career advice guidance and counselling strategy they can be an effective tool in the process of guiding jobseekers (Careerbot, ‘Content and Methodology; Report Recommending different LMI’).

     The CareerBot partnership is implementing a CareerBot methodology and tool which, reinforced by a facilitated blended guidance session, will provide up to date Labour Market Information (LMI) to Jobseekers. The aim of the project is on the one hand, to empower marginalised jobseekers on their pathways to employment and on the other hand, support guidance professionals with new tools and practices to implement during engagements with job seeking clients. Our AI-based chatbot will dynamically generate external data using various Application Programming Interfaces (API) to provide customised information based on their clients’ needs (Careerbot, ‘Content and Methodology; Report Recommending different LMI’). The partnership emphasises the role of the Career Guidance practitioner in the use of this tool in settings of career guidance, hence the approach of our project is to place guidance practitioners at the centre of the development of a Career Guidance Chatbot Tool.

       The CareerBot project can be broken down into four main project outcomes; Firstly, research on the content of the Bot and methodology to inform the development of the tool including LMI resources and usable APIs to embed within the tool. Secondly, the development of the CareerBot tool, which is now in its piloting phase. Thirdly, the development of a blended Careerbot training for Career Guidance Practitioners and finally the drafting of a Transfer Handbook for Implementation that focuses on organisational Development (OD). Both final outcomes of the CareerBot project aim to improve the digital readiness of the Career Guidance sector and its capabilities to implement a chatbot methodology into its practice and services.

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