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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa


Do not miss the upcoming EPALE discussion on creativity and culture for social cohesion

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EPALE discussion on Creativity and culture for social cohesion

On Wednesday, 7 December, from 10 am to 4 pm CET, EPALE will host an online discussion on creativity and culture for social cohesion.

The written discussion will be introduced by a live stream (10:00 to 10:40 am CET) with Rasha Shaaban (Gothenburg National Museums of World Culture), Helen O’Donoghue (Irish Museum of Modern Art) and Niels Righolt (Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture), who will share their perspectives, experiences and recommendations.

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The live stream will be followed by a moderated written discussion, hosting the contributions of our EPALE community members.

Art and culture can be significant drivers and enablers of social cohesion, encouraging dialogue across cultures and supporting individual empowerment and democratic consciousness in adult learners. 

During this online discussion, we will try to imagine together a future where arts and culture play a key role in solving global challenges (such as climate change, gender inequality, and corruption), unfolding the many interconnections between education, creativity and culture, touching upon the following questions:

  • In a moment where our democratic values are under threat, how can cultural practices foster inclusion and intercultural understanding, and bring together members of our European family house?

  • What’s the role of cultural practices and cultural institutions in promoting civic engagement and democratic participation?

  • What is the role of multidisciplinary cultural spaces in reimagining new ways of educating and learning?

  • How can we effectively shape inclusive and human-centred societies through lifelong learning? 

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Opening photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash.

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ons 07.12.2022 11:27

Good morning,

The experiences and projects of museums and libraries that try to involve people in situations of social exclusion are in fact fundamental, because, in my opinion, culture and art do not always have these purposes. It is not often (at least in Portugal) that we have theater plays or cultural exhibitions in cultural centers that are conceived with the purpose of serving everyone. Most are even designed in a way that seems to exclude precisely those who lack a higher level of education. The messages they convey or include are so elaborate that I doubt those with less education will understand them. It should also be noted that this type of art is usually expensive and for that reason it is not accessible to the most vulnerable.

On the other hand, I would like to highlight here the work done by a Portuguese artist – Bordalo II – who uses pieces of garbage to create art on the walls of buildings (generally he recreates animal figures). In this case, art is very obvious, it reaches everyone, it is visible to anyone passing by on the streets. His art demonstrates that we all produce waste and that it can be reused.

You can see his works of art here, through the streets of Lisbon:

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Helen O'Donoghue
ons 07.12.2022 11:46

Som svar på av Dora SANTOS

Dear Dora

I have had the experience of working on two EU partner projects with Portuguese museums and have developed a strong professional relationship with Clara Camacho who is the Senior Officer at the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage. I would recommend that you contact her as she will know about developments there.

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Profile picture for user Ērodeja Kirillova.
Ērodeja Kirillova
Community Hero (Gold Member).
ons 07.12.2022 10:20

Caur kultūru ir vieglāk uzrunāt sabiedrību, jo tā ir salīdzinoši neitrāla nozare, kura ļauj cilvēkam gan izpausties radoši, gan bagātināties un atpūsties vidē, kas ir atvērta dažādām pieredzēm. Svarīgi atrast vienojošo saikni starp dažādām paaudzēm un etniskajām grupām. Tas parasti vienkāršāk ir caur vienojošo tradīciju izpausmēm, kas visiem ir salīdzinoši kopīgas un ļauj piedzīvot prieku- piemēram svētki, ēdieni, dabas un kultūras pieminekļi. Visefektīvākā mācīšanās ir caur personīgo piedzīvojumu un līdzdalību. Jo cilvēki ir atvērti pozitīvām emocijām un aktivitātēm, kas ļauj baudīt citādo neuzliekot pienākumus vai patīkami izved no ierastās komforta zonas. Caur pilsoniskām aktivitātēm mēs iepazīstam citādo un svešais tiek padarīts pieņemamāks, ja to iepazīst un spēj salāgot ar savu pieredzi un zināšanām. Liela nozīme ir starpkultūru projektiem un aktivitātēm, kas kopienā rada vienotas darbība izvirzīto mērķu sasniegšanai. Un ja šajā saskarē rodas pieredzes pārklāšanās ar citu kopienu, kurai ir līdzigi mērķi, rodas pozitīva mijiedarbība un paplašinās gan kultūras telpa, gan zināšanas. Jāatīsta mijiedarbīga mācīšanās starp paaudzēm un kultūrām,ko vislabāk sekmē kopienu NVO sektors un valstisko organizāciju pozitīva izpratne un līdzdalības atbalsts šī sektora atktivitātēm gan finasiālā, gan atbalsta veicinošā veidā ar telpām, projektu rakstīšanas atbalstu un pieaugušo tālāk izglītības centru darbības nodrošināšanu. 

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Profile picture for user Liga Kalnina.
Liga Kalnina
man 28.11.2022 11:30

Culture and arts are the most important ways that meaning is made and taken on. In the digital world, we live in now, arts can offer new ways of looking at things beyond specific solutions. Through the variety of intellectual and emotional experiences they offer, arts can teach people about complexity while also adding to the positive experience of being different. In this way, arts are an important way to deal with the cultural, social, economic, and religious tensions that exist inside and outside of Europe.

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