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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



Community-based practices for empowerment - EPALE Community Conference 2022

How can we empower communities? Education through the arts can be a powerful tool to observe, reflect, transform and educate people.

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Community-based practices for empowerment

How can we empower communities?

Access to meaningful non-formal and informal education experiences can enrich communities and make a path of lifelong learning flourish. Education through the arts can be a powerful tool to observe, reflect, transform and educate people. Community-based theatre practices have the power to contribute to people's empowerment, in terms of self-esteem, representation, critical awareness, tolerance, expression of inner fears, freedom of expression and collective empowerment. 

This workshop will be introduced by theatre actress and teacher Micaela Casalboni who will share with the participants some flavours and examples of community-based practices through theatre.

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Micaela Casalboni

Micaela Casalboni is an actress, a theatre teacher responsible for international and intercultural projects and co-art director of Teatro dell’Argine, the Italian theatre company she helped to found in 1994 in San Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna). Keywords of the TdA’s work, both on a local and on an international level: theatre as an open, safe and third space, and as a tool for dialogue and relationship between generations, cultures, communities, genders, disciplines, sectors. 


Christin Cieslak
Christin Cieslakis is head of Programmes and Stakeholder Engagement at EAEA. Gerontology and Adult Education/Lifelong learning graduate from Germany, with deep knowledge and working experience in transnational cooperation on a European level. She has worked for four national Agencies, assessed LLLP and E+ applications for over ten years, and was the EPALE CSS project manager.


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