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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



ESREA conference 18.-20.10.2017 in Tallinn, Estonia

The 5th international conference invites reflective and research papers for discussions, flow sessions, open space and poster presentations, which reflect theoretical, empirical, comparative and visual research, theoretical frames and conceptual considerations, actions and projects, individual and collective narratives in the context of conference theme.



Tallinn University.





The 5th Annual Conference of the 
ESREA & ReNAdET/ Research Network  on Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professional Development 

18. – 20. October 2017, Tallinn, Estonia

organised by

Tallinn University, School of Educational Sciences
EPALE National Support Service Estonia 



The 5th international conference invites to share reflective and research papers for discussions, flow sessions, open space and poster presentations, which reflect theoretical, empirical, comparative and visual research, theoretical frames and conceptual considerations, actions and projects, individual and collective narratives in the context of the conference theme.


We are honoured to invite you to the 5th International conference LEARNING JOURNEY. ADULT EDUCATORS AND SOCIAL CHANGES!

There are many ways and approaches of viewing the conference theme. One approach is interaction and discussion between researchers and practitioners in open and creative space. The conference brings together researches and scholars, PhD students, project leaders and adult educators to share research results and reflect their experience on different aspects of the conference theme.

The conference provides an open space for interactive presentations and discussions on research results, practical challenges for adult educators and their learning experiences in the context of social changes.

Contributions and reflections on the following themes are especially welcome:

  • Social changes - adult educators - adult learners.
  • Adult educators and/in social changes. Professional ethics and values of adult educators.
  • Adult educators, their learning, professional identity and professional development.
  • Adult educators and their socio-political roles in the context of social changes.
  • The impact of adult educators in promoting active citizenship and democratic society.
  • Gendered phenomenon in adult education: women and men as learners and adult educators.
  • Exploring roles, responsibilities and future perspectives of adult educators in supporting learning and adult learners in the context of social changes.
  • Challenges and perspectives of adult education in the context of social changes.
  • Change and stability in institutional context for adult education: comparative perspective.
  • Bridges/breaking walls between formal and informal adult education: why, how, and with what results.
  • Conceptualisations of adults' learning in the context of social changes. Different perspectives.
  • Social inclusion of NEET young adults via adult education: supporting and contesting social changes.

  • Adult education and generational change: ideas, tools and other considerations.

  • Educating adult educators for social changes in higher and continuing education.

The 5th International conference is hosted by Tallinn University, School of Educational Sciences and EPALE National Support Service Estonia. The conference will be held at Tallinn University campus.

The conference LEARNING JOURNEY. ADULT EDUCATORS AND/IN SOCIAL CHANGES invites to share reflective and research papers for discussions and poster presentations, which reflect theoretical, empirical, comparative and visual research, theoretical frames and conceptual considerations, actions and projects, individual and collective narratives in the context of conference theme.

Join the conference: share, explore, ask questions. Learn and create you own learning journey with colleagues in the international context.


Deadlines for Submission:

  • Abstracts - by 15th May to
  • Abstract proposals will be blind reviewed 
  • Acceptance - by 12th June
  • Early bird registration - 30th June
  • Final paper - before 15th September


Conference fees:

Early bird registration - before 
30th June

Registration after 
30th June
135 EUR ESREA members
165 EUR non-members
PhD students 60 EUR
165 EUR ESREA members
195 EUR non-members
PhD students 80 EUR

The fee includes conference materials and refreshments (coffee, tea, light lunch) during the conference; it excludes the conference dinner, any airport/hotel transfers and hotel accommodation.
The conference dinner will be held on 19th of October and its costs is 45€.

Accomodation is available at Tallink City Hotel or Nordic Hotel Forum.

  • At the Tallink City Hotel accommodation has been pre-booked. The secured price for a standard class room for one person is 85€ (booking before 15th of September) and includes buffet breakfast, Wi-Fi and VAT. The promo code for this price is EPALE. The same price is available for bookings over the following weekend for those who would like to spend more time in Tallinn.
  • Accomodation is also available at Nordic Hotel Forum.

The final date for registration is 15th September 2017.

Bursaries for PhD students:

For the conference, three bursaries are available to PhD students who are individual members of ESREA, or studying at institutions which have institutional membership of ESREA. To be eligible, your paper must have been accepted for the conference. Applications should be submitted on the bursary application form together with the paper proposals. Bursaries, normally €250, may be used to cover all or part of the cost of travel and accommodation

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Registration for the conference is available through the conference website.

Scientific Committee:

George K. Zarifis, Professor of Continuing Education, School of Philosophy and Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Larissa Jõgi, Professor of Andragogy, School of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University
Katrin Karu, Lecturer of Andragogy, School of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University
Triin Roosalu, Assistant Professor of Sociology, School of Governance, Law and Society, Tallinn University
Maria N. Gravani, Assistant Professor in Continuing Education / Adult Education School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open University of Cyprus
Bonnie Slide, Senior Lecturer in Adult Education, School of Education, Glasgow University 
Wolfgang Jütte, professor, Faculty of Education, University of Bielefeld


Organising committee:

Larissa Jõgi
Tallinn University
Katrin Karu
Tallinn University
Triin Roosalu
Tallinn University
Marit Sukk
Tallinn University
Piret Jeedas
Tallinn University
Georgi Skorobogatov

Eliisabeth Käbin

Anete Rätsep

Larissa Jõgi.
Katrin Karu.
Triin Roosalu.
Marit Sukk.
Piret Jeedas.


Preliminary programme (TBC):

18th October
  • Registration.
  • Welcome speeches.
  • Introduction. 
  • Plenary Session. Public „room“ – space for social change, interaction and learning.
  • Reception.
19th October
  • Opening session.
  • Session 1.
  • Session 2.
  • Session 3.
  • Study visits.
  • Dinner.
20th October
  • Opening session.
  • Session 4.
  • Reflections in an Open Room.
  • Concluding session.


Organising institutions:

Tallinn University, School of Educational Sciences

Tallinn University is the largest university of humanities in Tallinn and the third biggest public university in Estonia. We have more than 9,000 students (with 5.5% of them international), and over 900 employees, including over 400 researchers and lecturers.

Wishing to contribute more to the society, we have set a goal to become the promoter of intelligent lifestyle in Estonia. In the past 10 years, Tallinn University has merged a number of study and research institutions. This has significantly widened the scope of the responsibility the university holds, starting from teacher education and ending with choreography. Our five interdisciplinary focus fields include educational innovation, digital and media culture, cultural competences, healthy and sustainable lifestyle, and society and open governance.

The School of Educational Sciences is a unit within Tallinn University, which is responsible for coordinating the teaching, research and development activities in the field of education. We are also responsible for the academic sustainability in the field of education both at Tallinn University and Estonia in general. The School of Educational Sciences is the oldest academic subunit in Tallinn University, with our doctoral school being the largest teacher education and educational sciences institution in Estonia on a doctoral level. The three main study areas at the School of Educational Sciences are:

  • Teacher Education and Educational Sciences
  • Lifelong Learning and Non-Formal Education
  • Career and Counselling Services for Special Educational Needs

ESREA: The European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) promotes and disseminates theoretical and empirical research on adult education and learning in Europe as well as debates on education and training practices within the field of adult education and learning. The network meetings such as this conference are places for exchanging of research and discussions.

The ESREA Research Network on Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professional Development (ReNAdET) is a network, the general scope of which is to provide the input on how to improve the conditions needed for the personal and professional development of adult educators and trainers, enhancing the attractiveness of their profession and therefore strengthening the idea of quality in adult education in Europe. This is to be achieved by stipulating some insight into key issues and challenges related to the adult educator and related staff, and by highlighting essential areas of action, current trends, good practices, initiatives and relevant policies.

On these grounds, the aim of the network is threefold:

  • To bring forward the experience from all around Europe, on issues pertaining to the multiple roles, practices and settings in which adult educators and related staff act and grow.
  • To report on current European projects and stimulate research in this area.
  • To explore the ways in which policies develop and analyse their possible impact.

A variety of issues are addressed within the network such as initial education and training of adult educators and related staff; access, recruitment and career paths for adult educators & trainers; ageing and gendering of the adult educator; professionalism and attractiveness of their profession, employment situation, working environments and working conditions; continuing and in-service education and training for adult educators & assessment of their role; duties, roles and identities for adult educators and related staff; methods and qualities of practice, reflectivity and reflective practice; adult learner/participant - adult educator's interaction & issues of power and authority; trade unionism, collaboration and networking among adult educators and related staff; policy making and its impact on adult educators' roles and practices.

Every second year ReNAdET organises research-themed conference meetings in different parts of Europe. The purpose of the biennial meetings is to bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners from the field to present and exchange their ideas on the role/s of adult educators and trainers in Europe as well as to discuss issues relevant to their professional identity, status and development.

You are welcomed to Estonia - find out more about Tallinn!

For further information, questions and expression of interest, please contact:

Tallinn University, School of Educational Sciences
EPALE National Support Service Estonia 


Professor Larissa Jõgi
Professor Georgios K. Zarifis
Professor Wolfgang Jutte


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