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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



Finding a path to employment

NOW Group believes there is a job out there suited to each and every one of us - it's just a matter of being matched up to the job that suits your unique path in life. Providing a range of services that support people with learning difficulties, NOW Group is a social enterprise that helps tackle the barriers to employment and learning.
Profile picture for user Jonathan Lear.
Jonny Lear

NOW Group believes there is a job out there suited to each and every one of us - it's just a matter of being matched up to the job that suits your unique path in life.

Providing a range of services that support people with learning difficulties, NOW Group is a social enterprise that helps tackle the barriers to employment and learning. The service provides accredited training which prepares individuals for independence and the world of work.

NOW Group trainee Jordan had wanted to work in a funeral home since he was in school - but his teacher told him he wasn't capable of doing the job.

So, they set out to help find Jordan the work experience he desired and secured it with Browns Funeral Directors in Belfast. It was the perfect job match for Jordan and NOW Group Employment Officer Hollie Rice supported him throughout it. He thoroughly enjoyed his work experience and received wonderful support from his work colleagues too.

Jordan has now progressed into a paid role with Brown’s carrying out a range of roles within the company.

The promotion from volunteer to fully fledged member of staff is testament not only to Jordan's hard-work and determination, but to the time, energy and heart put in by the staff at Browns into engaging with, developing and working alongside him.

Jordan finds that this work is well-suited to him and wants it to be a job for life. He's even writing a letter to that school teacher to tell her she was wrong when she told him he could never work in funeral directors. Thanks to the support, and genuine friendship, of the staff at Browns, Jordan doesn't only have a job but has begun his career and formed relationships for life.

In acknowledgment of Browns Funeral Directors support to individuals like Jordon they were awarded 'Employer of the Year’ at the 2016 NOW GROUP Graduation ceremony at Belfast City Hall. The event was a celebration of the learning achievements of its service users.


Photo Left: Browns Funeral Directors received the Special Achievement Award 'Employer of the Year’ at the 2016 NOW GROUP Graduation ceremony at Belfast City Hall on Monday, 13 June. Geraldine McEwan and Eddie Carlisle, from Browns Funeral Director, are pictured receiving their award with Gary Irvine, NOW Group’s new Chairman.





NOW Project logo.

More information about NOW Group and the services provided can be found on the website by clicking the link here

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