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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа

Барање на партнери

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Организации кои бараат партнери во мојата земја

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Акредитирани Еразмус+ координатори бараат нови членови на конзорциумот

Дел од организација?

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Бараш партнери?

Ние сме тука да помогнеме? Кликни на линкот подолу и започни да бараш партнери!

Сакаш твој сопствен простор?

Сакате да дискутирате за вашите идеи со други луѓе во приватен простор?

Пронајди најнова информација за тоа како ЕУ ги промовира политиките во учењето на возрасните?

Applied Filters

Accredited organisation
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė public library is a governmental organization, located in Klaipėda, Lithuania, working in the fields of culture and non-formal education. We work with improving media and digital literacy skills, encouraging creativity and developing culture education training programs for people of all ages and social backgrounds.   We are a Project Coordinator searching for Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation partnerships project partners. We are looking for all types of organizations with experience working with heritage, culture, innovation and civic education. Also, organizations working with persons with intellectual dissabilities and reading difficulties.  Together we will explore the possibilities and innovative ways of increasing accessibility to civic education for adult learners. Project implementation is planned for 2024-2026. 
Започнува на
Viktorija Žilinskaitė
|Постирано на 1 month порано

Public Institution “Lecturers” is an institution operating since 2015, specializing in research, non-formal education and public health improvement.

Започнува на
Profile picture for user Dalia Sorakė.
Dalia Sorakė
|Постирано на 1 year порано
Job-shadowing and other mobility activities in Lithuania
Започнува на
Profile picture for user Solneda.
Edita Kazlauskaitė
|Постирано на 2 years порано

Lithuanian College of Democracy is a scientific think-tank and we are looking new partnership for ERASMUS+ projects!

Започнува на
Profile picture for user Lietuvos demokratiškumo ugdymo kolegija.
Eglė Celiešienė
|Постирано на 2 years порано