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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа



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Пронајди најнова информација за тоа како ЕУ ги промовира политиките во учењето на возрасните?

Applied Filters

Чешка Република
Czech Republic.
Aignos is a Czech nonprofit organization that has been organizing educational activities about artificial intelligence since 2021. We have conducted hundreds of interactive workshops in elementary and high schools across the Czech Republic, as well as dozens of popularization ...
Anna Štádlerová
Non-profit organisation that coordinates a VET mobility consortium of over 10 schools in Madrid. Specialized in special educational needs and students in risk of social exclusion, we provide full management of Erasmus+ projects.
Marta López Rojas
Founded in Tampere, Finland in 2001, the Pirkanmaa design, arts and crafts association Modus (Pirkanmaan muotoilu- ja taideteollisuusyhdistys Modus ry) has established itself as a nationally renowned and recognised association that promotes professional design, arts and crafts...
Profile picture for user Taina Laaksonen.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Aux couleurs du DEBA is an association with 15 years' expertise in European projects, non-formal education, intercultural dialogue, active citizenship, inclusion, NEETs and people with disabilities. We work in the fields of youth, training and education, employment and social ...
Profile picture for user Delila33.
Yasmina NAKIB
We are a group of people from different European Countries and backgrounds. We are project managers, teachers, trainers, and experienced evaluators.