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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih u Evropi


How to support students in informed thinking about their own future?

This material was created in project 'WAVE - workshops, awareness, values, engagement' with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

English language version

'WAVE' was a 2.5-year-long educational project that aimed to create a new method of career guidance and counseling for European students based on creative and participatory group work that links decisions concerning school and work to a community-based, collective dialogue about how to contribute to a meaningful and sustainable future.

Project partners: TILLT AB, STOP-KLATKA, and Teatro Prova have many years of experience working with drama pedagogy as a form of alternative/popular education, young people as target groups, and socially engaged projects in which artistic methods and exercises are used to inspire and empower individuals to create innovative approaches to long-lasting social problems.

The objectives of the partnership were to develop an innovative guidance counseling method; to better equip guidance counselors for more innovative work with groups; to support students’ choices, leading to better academic performance, well-being, and employment prospects; and to contribute to a more innovative and well-functioning school system and school-to-work transition process across Europe.

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