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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih u Evropi


Project L-EARN kick-off mobility

The main goal: to develop the professional skills and knowledge of educators to prepare quality programmes for different target groups.

Nika Kikelj Maver

For a relatively young adult education provider organisation, getting the Erasmus+ KA104 project in 2020 was thrilling and motivating for further work. The main goal of the project L-EARN is to develop the professional skills and knowledge of educators to prepare quality programmes for different target groups. To achieve that, we recognised a great opportunity in Erasmus+ projects.

Nevertheless, with the COVID-19 everything came to the ground. Many questions pumped up: Is it safe to go? Where to go? Where is it safer? Some of the organisations' partners were not even operative anymore after the first lockdown. Above all, so much paperwork due to the COVID situation to do for going abroad. The situation changed from thrilling to worrying.

Daily workshops.

Despite all negativity, one of our colleagues encouraged and decided to attend one of the courses in our neighbouring country Italy. Though no one could foresee the situation with the COVID, the decision of attending the course »Teaching languages in the digital era" by ELA | Erasmus Learning Academy was so appropriate and right on time. The outcomes of the course were focused on basic concepts about web design, blended learning and e-learning, the best apps, web platforms and ICT resources for learning languages and how to use ICT tools to make learning a first or second language more effective, motivating and interactive. However, we can confirm that this weird past year indicated many new challenges not only in the field of teaching/learning languages but also in the field of adult education in general. In addition, with challenges come opportunities. In addition, if everything goes right, development.


Nika Kikelj Maver is a course coordinator and the main coordinator of the ERASMUS+: Love to – Educate, Analyse, React and Nurture at the Soča Valley Development Centre, department for adult education.

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