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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih u Evropi

Welcome to the EPALE Hall of Fame!
Meet our Community Heroes, the real people who make EPALE flourish. Get to know the community members who have shown exceptional engagement to EPALE, contributing with their ideas, reflections and participation!
Would you like to be featured in this section? Be active on EPALE and earn points, until you become a Community Hero, too! Find out more here.
I have developed my career in the field of Education for about 20 years, including diverse roles in different educational stages. Thus, I have worked as a class teacher, a remedial teacher and English teacher, in Pre-primary and Primary Education. Now I am a VET teacher and an EPALE ambassador.
Don't miss an opportunity to read EPALE and to get in contact with professionals all around Europe and beyong!
I like sharing information which may be useful for professionals and students anywhere in Europe and around the world. And I love reading other ambassadors' contributions, as they are very interesting and enriching. Accessing all those ideas no matter where you are is the magic of EPALE!
I have master's degree as a librarian,. urrently, I am working in the National Institution University Library North Macedonia, I am the president of the Association for development of the Roma community -SUMNAL.. My newest recognition is the first place of the 2021 EU Award for Roma Integration
Let's continue to inspire and support one another on this journey. Share your insights, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.
Here are some aspects that users often appreciate about EPALE: networking opportunities, resource sharing, professional development, community engagement, multilingual support. Overall, EPALE serves as a valuable resource for professionals working in the field of adult learning, offering opportunity
Educational Sciences PHD and Associate Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Active teacher in the Community of Madrid.
For the quality of education!
EPALE allows me to be in contact with other colleagues.
I am responsible for writing, organizing, and implementing various projects at Public Open University Čakovec, a widely recognized and Erasmus+ accredited adult education provider from Croatia. I am highly motivated and interested to join forces with others in forging new partnerships. Do reach out!
Together we can add so much more to championing and innovating in the field of adult education. Let's connect!
EPALE is not just a platform with tools attached, it is a network of similar-minded individuals and organizations whose common goal is the advancement of adult education throughout the whole Europe! I’m glad to be a part of it and am looking forward to create new connections and exchange insights.
My motto: "Learn and share." I am the LITHUANIAN EPALE ambassador, a board member of the Lithuanian Association for Adult Education, a coordinator and expert of international projects. I am interested in adult education, especially in deepening digital competencies and the use of AI in education.
Dear EPALE COMMUNITY, let's learn, share, and enjoy together across Europe.
EPALE is a platform where I find many interesting articles and resources, and great ideas for adult education. EPALE is a community whose members are connected by sincere and professional relationships; it is a community that continuously grows itself and helps others grow.
I work as an education methodologist at the Creative Centre Arténa in Radio and Television of Slovakia. For more than 15 years I have been working in the field of adult education, skills development of cultural managers, civic education, communities, culture, creative industry.
I am happy that EPALE allows me to learn new things, be inspired and share with other educators. Join in, you will get interesting.
Since 2022 I have been working as an EPALE Ambassador. I am enjoying the new community I am part of, I have met new people, I have the opportunity to learn about new trends, news, it has allowed me to find project partners, share news in the field of adult education with other partners.
Coordinator of Adult Education Activities for Panevėžys County Public Library. Coordinating Erasmus+ accreditation project and working with informal language learning and reading promotion programs for adults.
It's fun to work with adult learners!
What I like most is that on this platform I can share our library's achievements, find partners for our projects and offer my library as a reliable and experienced partner for the projects of other colleagues.
I have been active in education as a lecturer for more than ten years and have been included in de of training materials linked to sustainable development as part of my career.
EPALE is a tool for broadening the learning horizons.
I use EPALE to share news and themes linked to adult education for Macedonian and International audiences. I also use it to find news from the lifelong learning communities.
I work in the Directorate of Public Education Centre in Afyonkarahisar Çay District. I am happy to share the different activities we do on the Epale platform.
I would like to thank the community members for the good activities on Adult Education.
What do I love most about EPALE? Seeing different Public Education and Adult Education activities and being able to implement them increases my job satisfaction.
Hello! I am a PhD researcher (my final year) in International Relations and Policymakers. I owe a limited company that I set up in 2006 in the UK and moved it to Ireland post-Brexit in 2016. We specialise in education and research. Expert in EU co-funded projects.
I encourage you to explore EPALE, engage with the community, and make the most out of the valuable resources and networking opportunities.
I love the fact that EPALE is the best platform for a massive range of educational resources, events and contacts. I appreciate the EPALE platform for its user-friendly interface, and its supportive community of educators and learners. It provides a valuable space for sharing knowledge.
I am the mobility coordinator for Erasmus+ KA1 activities at Adult Education Institution Dante in Rijeka, Croatia. Experienced in designing innovative teaching materials and courses, I'm eager to collaborate and further enrich my expertise alongside like-minded professionals
Education is not preparation for life. Education is life itself. So let's champion lifelong learning! 💜
One of EPALE's standout features is the ease with which users can connect with like-minded individuals, particularly beneficial for those involved in programs like Erasmus+. It's a hub where professionals can thrive, learn, and collaborate on a European scale.
I am currently Director, Education & Training Programmes and Learning Support at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. I have been working in VET and Adult Education for the past 15 years I am also an EPALE Ambassador for Malta since 2016.
Adult education can bring change in the lives of different people. Let us work together for EPALE to keep growing. We can make a difference.
EPALE is a very useful platform that provides an opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. Furthermore it gives access to hundreds of resources from practically across the globe.