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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma

Partneru meklēšana

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Organizācijas, kas meklē partnerus manā valstī

Parādīt šīs valsts organizāciju ierakstus

Akreditēti Erasmus+ koordinatori, kas meklē jaunus konsorcija dalībniekus


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Vai esat organizācijas daļa?

Reģistrējot savu organizāciju EPALE, Jums būs iespējams veikt partneru meklēšanu un iepazīstināt ar sevi.

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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We are happy to join the project as a partner. We are accredited in the adult education sector. Currently we would like to join a project, preferably related to adult education, youth or dispute. We are an experienced organization. The topics we are interested in are: - promoting attitudes of citizenship among young people (Europeanism) - physical activity among young people - Active aging among seniors - developing the ability of young people to manage their careers based on the challenges facing humanity due to climate change
Sandra Goetz-Grabowska
|Publicēts 3 mēneši pirms
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
The project will focus on training of families to learn more about cybersecurity and to start using tools and resources to stay safe. The project will support and training of families for managing digital devices, screen time and creating family protocols for digital use in the home.
ilhan kayis
|Publicēts 4 mēneši pirms