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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Skills for all

Profile picture for user npangezv.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Skills are crucial – for the individual and community, from a life-long and life-wide perspective. This is nowadays’ imperative! If committed to constant learning, swift socio-economic and technological changes should not be perceived as a threat. Moreover, they present a challenge that is manageable – through acquiring and upgrading knowledge and skills. 

How to forecast changes and needs, how to assess which skills are there and which are lacking, which policy measures offer support? And how to raise awareness on the fact that lifelong learning is the right path?  Because without doubt, it derives power and joy!   

All this and more will be discussed in the First EAAL forum 2024 titled Skills for all. 

Pasica Foruma EPUO 2024: Spretnosti za vse.

Join us on 16 April in the House of the EU, Dunajska cesta 20 in Ljubljana. Register your participation in person or online. 

For details, please visit the event website:

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EPALE Editor

Virk samfélagsleg þátttaka á efri árum og nám þvert á kynslóðir

Þegar litið er til lýðfræðilegra breytinga (demographic change) í Evrópu kemur í ljós að hlutfall eldra fólks í öllum Evrópusambandslöndunum er hátt og fer hækkandi. Þess vegna er afar áríðandi að boðið sé upp á hágæða námsefni, sem sniðið er að þörfum eldra fólks og að fólkið sjálft sé haft með í stefnumótun í símenntun og virkri þátttöku í samfélaginu. 
