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Policy brief on statistics about VPL

Profile picture for user n002fy51.
Anni Karttunen
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

This policy brief has been prepared by the Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL). Its aim is to emphasize the importance of being able to track and express numerically the validation activities of skills in the Nordic countries and to enable research and impact assessments to inform policy decisions.
The NVL's validation network recommends: 

  • Nordic countries, including self-governing regions, to engage in systematic monitoring of all primary purposes of validation. 
  • Tracking all validation activities regardless of whether they occur within formal education contexts or elsewhere. 
  • Monitoring validation activities at the individual level, enabling impact assessments and comparisons with employment statistics, socioeconomic background factors, social expenditures, and personal finances. 
  • Appointing a responsible authority for statistics and assigning it the task of collecting the aforementioned statistics and providing necessary data for research and impact assessments.

Generally, what is measured and monitored tends to grow and develop, whereas what is left unmeasured and unmonitored may remain unnoticed. By generating statistics and laying the groundwork for evaluations and impact studies, the adoption of validation can likely be expedited, directing funding to where it can be most beneficial.

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Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL)
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