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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja


Financial Literacy is Taught by Using Business Games in Public Education Centers

Community Hero (Gold Member).


The General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Turkey Ministry of National Education and  Sparkassenstiftung Turkey lanched the trainings under "Financial Inclusion of Refugees and Host Communities in Turkey Project". Sparkassenstiftung Turkey describes financial and business literacy trainings with an innovative training method called 'Game-Based Training'. For this purpose, trainers' trainings were completed between August 2nd and 4th in Istanbul. T

The projects Meeting the Needs

At the opening of the trainings, the representatives of the two partners,  Sparkassenstiftung and the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Turkey Ministry of National Education talked about the importance of these trainings that meet the needs. Stating that the lack of financial information slows down the economy, the Sparkassenstiftung representative stated that their aim is to increase social financial literacy with the micro business game and savings game. The head of the R&D department of the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of National Education stated that managing money is as important as making money.

Trainings consisting of two different modules for trainers working in public education centers in Bursa and Istanbul will continue for 5 days. These trainings, which will be given to 24 trainers, will then reach thousands of potential entrepreneurs. Business games training consists of Micro business game and accumulation game. With micro business game training, participants gain financial knowledge about all economic factors affecting the economy. With the savings game, the participants learn to manage the family budget successfully.


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