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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja

Event Details

12 feb

Multiplier event - Free to Code - ERASMUS+ KA204

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Profile picture for user Gert Hurkmans.
Gert Hurkmans
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Program of E3 on the 12th of February 2021 – online from 13:00 until 16:00


Registration of the participants



Welcoming & moderating

Gert Hurkmans, Director of CVO EduKempen

Institutional Salutes

Ana Ferrando, Western Region Representative at the EPEA –



FREE to CODE. Presentation of the project on the use coding technology in the specific environment of European penitentiary institutions.

Gert Hurkmans, Director of CVO EduKempen    

Presentation of the partnership as well as all the main aspects of IT and coding in prisons (duration, field of intervention, partnership, objectives, tools, activities & intellectual outputs).



Introducing the competence framework for the use of coding in prison.

Alexandre Plenneveaux, Head of pedagogy at



14:00 – 14:10

Coffee break



From the identification of competences to the creation of a training course for prisoners. Introducing the process of development of the training module for coding in prison.

Nick Banken, Coding coach at



Planning the installation, usage and maintenance of study and working equipment of IT classes in cooperation with the Department of Justice. Organising interviews with prisoners to evaluate their motivation for IT courses in penitentiary environments in Flanders.

Sofie Luyckx, Prison educational coordinator in the prisons of Turnhout and Wortel (Belgium)



Presentation of the online learning platform for the use of the coding technology in a penitentiary environment.

Nikos Skarmeas, Principal consultant / Enterprise architect at Avaca



Final outcomes of the project

Ioan Durnescu, Professor at the University of Bucharest and coordinator of European Strategies Consulting, General project manager of the FREE to Code project



Questions & answers

Official closure of the event

Gert Hurkmans, Director of CVO EduKempen and Coordinator of Asturia

The program may vary due to causes that are not dependent on the organizers will

Any update will be communicated on the page of the Event and on the project website:

The project is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme, KA204, Strategic Partnerships for adult education, Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.


Event Details
As planned
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Felnőttkori tanulással foglalkozó hálózatok és szervezetek
Célok és célkitűzések
The FREE to CODE project has the ambitious goal of using digital skills and computer programming as a means of human development that can help adult European prisoners to re-enter society with a resale experti
Elvárt tanulási eredmények
- The project intends to develop an innovative training programme on coding for learners detained (men, at least graduated and with a short-time sentence, to prepare them to be reintegrated into the society), with the aim to favour the development of their digital skills and in turn their transversal skills, particularly problem solving. Specific: - The project aims at transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications; application of the European recommendations to validate the non-formal and informal learning with the improvement of their digital and programming skills in an informal and formal learning environment, - Applying the methodology of the European recommendations to validate the non-formal and informal learning to adult education into social assistance fields.
Részvétel és / vagy tanulási eredmények elismerése/tanúsítása
MAIN INDIRECT TARGET GROUPS will be the SECOND beneficiaries of project results and will be directly involved in the project. This group is composed of all actors and organisations providing any kind of support service to develop the training course aimed at detained people about to get out prison and those that just came out and are about to find community reintegration). So, apart from the main involved targets (prisoners and recently ex prisoners
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Profile picture for user BajkaGy.
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