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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

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Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We are open to taking on the role of project leader or partner, depending on the needs of the project. The Forge of Talents Foundation was established in 2015. It is a Non-Governmental Organization, with the main seat in Krakow, Poland. The Foundation's mission is to provide all social groups with the necessary support by implementing initiatives and projects based on the principle of equal opportunities. It works in the fields of non-formal adult education and children/youth education, with the focus on developing the competences of school education staff. Recently, we have organized a number of ICT courses for teachers. Since January 2023, the Forge of Talents Foundation has been managing the Senior Activity Center in Krakow. We would be delighted to join the KA2 project and collaborate with you on bringing exciting ideas to life.
Marek Leśniak
|Objavljeno na 3 mjeseca Ranije