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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

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Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
We would like to organize training programs with interested educational partners in order to get to know management and learning opportunities. At the same time, we would like to invite educational partners as experts to work together on the outlined goals. We are very flexible in terms of group size and length of stays. Fields of interest: Systematic improvement for digital teaching and learning at Bavarian adult education centres; Digital inclusion for all adult learners with special needs: learning impaired, low-literacy, elderly and people without access to digital information and learning media; Information literacy as a central educational task: that means the integration of the teaching of critical-questioning competences into the subject-specific teaching and learning concepts - especially in basic education, health education and political education and last but not least: Expanding competencies for management, planning and further educational staff for environmental sustainability "Green Deal".
Profile picture for user HellaKrusche.
|Objavljeno na 1 godina Ranije
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: A training activity for teachers and adult learners to develop lessons learned, good practices and capitalization of previous results in projects relat

Beatriz Pintón
|Objavljeno na 1 godina Ranije