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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

Pretraživanje partnera

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Applied Filters


Hello eveyone,

If your organisation plans to apply for KA2 project under Erasmus+ as a coordinator, we can be your hardworking partners. 

Profile picture for user alia.
Iohana Udrescu
|Objavljeno na 6 godina Ranije

At Future Focus we are ready to host interns from other countries in the following areas:

Childcare and elderly care

Cooks and waiters

Restaurant and tourism studies

Profile picture for user Rosanne.
Rosanne GALEA
|Objavljeno na 6 godina Ranije

As a VET institution we are looking for an organisation in the field of education of immigrants, refugees.

Profile picture for user neslihantoprak.
Neslihan Toprak
|Objavljeno na 6 godina Ranije

We are looking for a KA2  project to join as a partner .

We can also apply like a coordinator.

We have experience with the topic of early school leaving.

Vesselina BONEVA
|Objavljeno na 6 godina Ranije