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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers

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Lifelong Learning Platform

basic skills teachers

Existing transnational networks of adult education providers can be strengthened through mutual learning, peer counselling, and capacity building among experts and professionals. The European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) and its European partners attempted to do so by developing a series of MOOCs in the framework of the EU-funded project PDS4BST ‘Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers’ for the professional development of teachers engaged in teaching basic skills, proposing an innovative training opportunity for training professionals.

Three animated videos have been created to describe the major focuses of the project, orientation to Microcredentials and a summary of MOOCs on Facilitating Adult Learning.

  • This introductory video has been made to support an overall understanding of PDS project with its aims and actions;

  • This animated video provides a specific focus upon the use and benefits of microcredentials in general and in the aspect of adult learning and education;
  • This video is describing the structure of MOOC6 and its topic of Facilitating Adult Learning with major aspects and international dimensions referring to SDG4, CONFINTEA-MFA and NEAAL. 
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Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers.
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