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Discussion Details


EBSN / EPALE discussion - What works in workplace basic skills?

Profile picture for user Zsolt Vincze.
Zsolt Vincze

From Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th September the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) will be hosting an online discussion about Workplace Basic Skills on EPALE moderated by Rosemarie Klein and Dieter Zisenis from the German research and consultancy organization Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung (bbb).

We would like to hear from anyone who has been involved in workplace basic skills training or is interested in developing expertise in this area.

The discussion will be open from Wednesday, 14th September, 10.00 CET. Please join us and share your thoughts and experiences! 


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In Norway we have some examples where workplace training had an impact on the level of sick leave. Workers that feel more competent to do their work, feel more motivated and that does have results on health level and ultimately on the companies bottom lines. This may, however, be a Norwegian phenomenon. Any other experiences about this out there?

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Unions, social partners fought in France in order to get a look at the companies' training plans. A Afpa example, we have a works council. This includes different committees that may be involved employees. as an employee, I have a look at the training plan for next year and in the commission I challenge axes or trace training needs. An employee who is comfortable in his work, is an employee who produces and who do not stress. The company has a training requirement and the employee an opportunity to train. It only remains to mobilize employees to form, ... which is not always simple. Take an adult training is to admit we do not know everything or that our skills can be improved ...
but the trainning is beneficial to the company, employees and society.

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Good morning!

The first participant to comment here, even before the welcoming message, has in my opinion a very valuable point. (By the way, if you don't understand French, remember you can choose to get everything on this page translated to English or your own language by selecting a language on the drop-down menu right by the small Google translator logo. You will find this at the top of the page, right under the head banner).

Indeed, the very first thing I think of as answer to "What works?" is that basic skills training at the work place needs to be extremely relevant to the everyday tasks of the learner. In the Norwegian CompetencePlus program we ensure this by

- making sure the teachers/trainers make the maximum possible use of existing everyday materials for their training (work instructions, reporting forms, etc.) and that they set up their tailored courses in cooperation with the management and the worker organizations,

- facilitating the tasks for the teachers by creating many different "profiles" for basic skills training. You can read about the profiles here. Many of them have been translated to English. A recent development shows how the competence goals specified in the profiles can be used for self-assessment purposes. You will find an example here.

It would be interesting to discuss here to what extent this approach is used in other countries in Europe. Vox, the Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning, has developed this series of profiles based on input received from colleagues from New Zealand. :-)

Looking forward to reading your comments!

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Profile picture for user davidmallows.
David Mallows
sri, 09/14/2016 - 09:11

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Welcome to our first day of the online-event of "What works in workplace basic skills?" Dieter and me - Rosemarie - are looking forward and very interested to share experiences, principles, regulations that promote workplace basic skills and also to talk about obstacles and (new) aspects to think about.


The idea of the event is to share experience and to learn from each other. So: Whenever you find a comment that is of importance for you, refer to it, widen it with your experiences or your deepening questions.


The idea is also to follow your discussion-interests. So Dieter and me will not decide about what needs to be discussed but ask you for comments to statements and questions.


Every evening we - your moderators - will give a short summary of the day.


So, let us start and stay on a lively and constructive discussion


Dieter and Rosemarie

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Oltre che sul luogo di lavoro, l'apprendimento, a mio parere, è più agevolato quando si va in vacanza. Svolgere vacanze in comunità diversificate agevola la conoscenza, il rapporto umano e l'interesse a conoscere le diverse sfaccettature del linguaggio altri
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Oltre che sul luogo di lavoro, l'apprendimento, a mio parere, è più agevolato quando si va in vacanza. Svolgere vacanze in comunità diversificate agevola la conoscenza, il rapporto umano e l'interesse a conoscere le diverse sfaccettature del linguaggio altri
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je vais être peut être décalée par rapport à vos attentes, mais il me semble que la difficultés des compétences de bases dans le milieu de travail est une question très complexe qui renvoie d'abord à la définition de la compétence. Pour faire bref je dirai (et cela ne va complètement dans le sens des compétences de bases telles qu'elles sont formulées) qu'une compétence ne peut s'envisager qu'en situation. Il faut donc d'abord partir des situations de travail pour y  repérer les compétences mobilisées. On s'aperçoit alors que les personnes mobilisent de très nombreuses compétences qui sont loin de se limiter aux compétences de base du référentiel.

quand je travaille avec des professionnels sur ce sujet, je suis chaque fois admiratives des compétences qu'ils mobilisent qui sont souvent très loin de ce que l'on appelle "compétence de base".

peut être que ce propos un peu décalé peut contribuer à lancer une discussion.

En tous les cas sous peu je posterai un travail sur les compétences en situation de travail que je suis dans un OPCA et qui montre que les compétences de bases européennes ne constituent pas (en tous cas de mon expérience) une référence pour les employeurs...

je ne me joindrai pas demain matin car prise par un autre rendez vous, mais je suivrai la discussion!

a tres bientôt donc!


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I like this way of thinking about designing workplace basic skills training:

"Il faut donc d'abord partir des situations de travail pour y  repérer les compétences mobilisées." So we must first from work situations in order to identify the skills mobilized (according to Google...)

This seems to me to be central - identify the need, the demands placed on people and then help them to meet those demands. 

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I totally agree. Peoples needs at the workplace are to be found in concrete work situations. They are the starting point and once people experience that learning makes a difference to everyday life - that is key.

Starting with situations is central. The next step is to make sure, that the learning is effectively used at the workplace. We call it "transfer of learning back to the workplace". This works best when team leaders or colleagues are activlely involved in the learning process. In the GO model we use in Switzerland focusing on the transfer of learning introduces elements of a learning organisation to the teams and learning is useful and visible.

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