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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


Magazine "Career and Mobility", No. 6

Profile picture for user RuzicaM.
Ruzica Madzarevic

The Career and Mobility Magazine, published by the Serbian National Euroguidance Centre of the European Network to Support Guidance and Counselling is primarily intended for practitioners and professionals in this field, including career counselors in the employment service, career guidance centers at universities and schools, youth offices and other institutions, teachers, psychologists, and pedagogues, as well as policymakers at the national and local level.

The goal of the magazine is to contribute to the improvement of the work of practitioners with end-users through information on current topics in the field of career guidance and mobility, but this publication can be also useful for the end-users of career guidance services.


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Euroguidance Centre Serbia
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