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How much you learn through your daily tasks depends on what kind of job you have

Profile picture for user Linda BB.
Linda Berg

Learning happens continuously – also when we least expect it. Informal learning through daily tasks is an essential part of the modern working life. But the extent of it depends on what you work with.


Since 2003, the Labour Force Survey in Norway has had an annual supplement called the Learning Conditions Monitor (Lærevilkårsmonitoren). In this monitor, the respondents are asked about participation in formal and non-formal learning. The respondents at work are also posed two questions related to informal learning: How good possibilities the job gives them to develop skills during their daily work, and to what extent the job requires updating of their skills.


71 per cent of the employees had continually learning requirements in their job in 2019. Higher educated respondents have the highest learning requirements, and the respondents with education below upper secondary level have the lowest requirements. Distributed by occupations, persons who work as managers and in academic professions have the highest learning requirements. Employees in public and financial services and media have the highest learning requirements, while hotels and catering and transport are among the sectors where employees have the lowest learning requirements.


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Ilze Ločmele
sri, 09/18/2019 - 12:56

Pētījuma rezultāti 2016.gadā kā pieprasītāko pieaugušo ar invaliditāti profesiju norāda - tirdzniecības un noliktavu darbinieku. Darbā apgūtās prasmes, sevis apzināšana un pašapziņas augšana neformālās izglītība sprocesā personas ar invaliditāti un garīga rakstura saslimšanām palīdz integrēt sabiedrībā un darba tirgū. Vajadzīga diskusija ar darba devējiem un ministrijām, lai atbalstītu šos procesus
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Diana Apse
ned, 09/08/2019 - 13:08

This is interesting survey and important discussion since work takes a significant part of our daily life.
    "71% with continually learning requirements in their job" - at first it seemed good result, knowing how fast is a market place with demanding results, but market is ever-changing, so it is surprising that not every employee have a chance to be educated for future. 
    Even thou UN Human Rights can not be directly implemented, we should keep in mind that development is a natural part of human existence. 
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 22 suggests: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.  
    It is saddening to watch at circle how people with lower education stays in a job where they also can not get a chance to develop knowledge of skills. If the survey showed what jobs don't provide chance to grow, policymakers should take this into the account and make bigger discussion.
Thank you for sharing the survey.

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