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Corporate Learning Tool about Internationalisation of Spin-Offs and the downloadable Handbook

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The Corporate Learning Tool is a free, online tool aiming to improve the competiveness of European Academic Spin-Offs and Start-ups by supporting them to effectively deal with the challenges faced when internationalising their businesses and to improve their global talent management. Here bellow is available the direct link to this online training tool.

The Handbook on Transnational Entrepreneurship and Effective Internationalization Strategies for Spin Offs (pdf version available here bellow) is the off-line (downloadable) version of the training programme.

The programme is divided into three units, containing ten pillars each one, completed by a forth section of Success and Failure Cases about “Commercialization of new products and services abroad” and “Attracting and recruiting international high-qualified human capital”. Unit 1 is dedicated to the Learning and Growing for Transnational Entrepreneurs and is focused on sub-sections such as an “Orientation towards Innovation” and the “Management of Multicultural Organisations and Teams.” Unit 2 addresses the Commercialisation of Products and Services, working to provide insight into subjects such as “Company Branding” and “Digital International Marketing Strategies.” Finally, Unit 3 is oriented towards helping companies with Recruiting Global Talent and includes pillars such as “How to Keep Your Top Talent” and “Mentoring Strategies for Integration and Success.”

Together, these pillars and units, as well as the real cases, offer a complete study process that can help Academic Spin-offs and Start-ups have a competitive edge in the international markets.

The training programme has been developed in the framework of the Global-Spin Project: Transnational Entrepreneurship and Corporate Learning: Fostering Effective Internationalization Strategies in Academic Spin Offs, with the support of the European Union and the Erasmus+ Programme. The course’s contents are based on the knowledge, the experience and the researches carried out by the consortium, which is composed of Higher Education Foundation, two Universities and four companies specialized in consultancy, training and research. To know more about the project and the consortium’s partners, visit the website: and the GLOBAL-SPIN - Transnational Entrepreneurs Forum.


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Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, EACEA
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