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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

Lubelska Izba Rzemieślnicza


The Lublin Chamber of Crafts has existed since August 30, 2001. On that date, it was entered into the National Court Register by the Commercial Court in Lublin under the KRS number 0000039612. The Lublin Chamber of Crafts is an organization of the economic self-government of crafts, bringing together guilds and craftsmen who do not belong to guilds. Its aim is to support the economic development of crafts, represent associated organizations and craftsmen before public administration bodies and other organizations and institutions, provide its members with instructional and advisory assistance, and conduct qualification examinations and confirm them with journeyman certificates and master's diplomas bearing the seal with the state emblem. Craftsmen are associated in guilds or in a chamber of crafts. Membership is voluntary, except for craftsmen training apprentices, and must belong to either a guild or a chamber of crafts.

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