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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


University career centers in Bulgaria – Exposing young people to newly developing fields

Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

Although the lifelong guidance system in Bulgaria has not seen major developments in recent years, it is notable that a series of initiatives were organized by the University career centres in 2023. The focus was on newly developing occupations and the skills requirements of specific jobs.

In February 2023, the career center at the Faculty of economics and business administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” held a pilot event for students from grades 10 to 12 of the 91st German Language High School “Prof. K. Galabov” in Sofia. The fields to which the initiative was directed were medicine, engineering sciences, economics and management, biology and chemistry, mathematics, and informatics, as well as law. Representatives of businesses in these fields responded to questions from young people about prospects in the various professions.

In March of the same year, the Inter-University Center for Career Development of the University of National and World Economy launched a practically oriented business academy for the students. Within a few months, 34 participants of the academy had the opportunity to meet various specialists from the retail business, as well as to apply in real life what they had learned during paid company internships. It was reported by participants as a major initiative and a unique meeting between business, education, and training, with a great opportunity to take away a good share of knowledge and skills.

The country record is based on information gathered and analysed by the CareersNet experts, Cedefop’s network of independent experts in lifelong guidance and career development.

More information on the Inventory of lifelong guidance systems and practices and additional country records can be found here.


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