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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


Education and Training Monitor

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Lifelong Learning Platform

The Education and Training Monitor is the European Commission’s annual report on EU education and training systems. Crucially, it also takes stock of the progress that the 27 Member States are making towards the achievement of the EU-level targets outlined in the European Education Area (EEA). The Monitor is composed of a comparative report, 27 country-specific reports and an innovative Monitor Toolbox which discloses the most important data and sources that the EU used to analyse the different education systems, even beyond EU Member States and including some candidate countries.

The 2023 edition focuses on the teachers and trainers but raises significant concerns about teacher shortages in Europe and, consequently questions the attractiveness of the profession. On adult learning, the Monitor reports that progress towards achieving EU targets (47% of all adults participating in learning activities by 2025 and 60% by 2030) is patchy. What is sure is that actions at the policy level are necessary to “(re)engage all adults of working age, but particularly adults who are older, less educated, outside the labour force, and living in rural areas”.

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Education and Training Monitor 2023.
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Études et rapports
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