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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


Urszula Rudzka-Stankiewicz: New opportunities to act and support others

My dream is to increase the availability of high-quality education.

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EPALE Editor

Urszula Rudzka-Stankiewicz

Short bio

I help people in organisations change their behaviour. I draw on the discoveries of behavioural psychology and change management practice. I run my own company under the name: Be/have design. It is an online store with training games, Trainer's Gadgets.

My story

We have greater and easier access to knowledge, but the ability to discover what we currently need and to transform that knowledge into skills and then action remains a challenge. Technology and educational methods are undergoing an unprecedented revolution. This gives us, as educators, completely new opportunities to act and support others on their way to new skills.

The future is a better way of matching what we teach with the real needs and challenges of learners as well as greater flexibility in the selection of communication methods and channels.

My dream is to simultaneously increase the availability of high-quality education, which gives new opportunities for action regardless of where we live.

3 Skills for the future of adult learning?

Skills for the future

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Agence Erasmus + France Education Formation
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Johanne Ranson
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

La nécessité d'éduquer au consentement dès le plus jeune âge

Skills for consent, un projet de création d’un livret d’activités d’éducation au consentement

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Marco Cecchinato

Durabilité et formation des adultes : aller au-delà des compétences vertes ?

Rejoignez-nous pour réfléchir aux compétences vertes comme moyen d'aborder des questions complexes et interconnectées telles que le changement climatique et les défis environnementaux.
