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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

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Tendering for Contracts Training


Tendering for Contracts Training is an Online Procurement Training Programme that has been accredited by [ ITOL ] The Institute for Training and Occupational Learning – it is a foundation training course in tendering and procurement –


The programme has been developed based on UK / EU Academic Framework and is suitable for both individuals - Small to Medium Enterprises or the employees of Large Firms who wish to obtain a fundamental understanding of the tendering and procurement process –
The programme developer ( Lloyd Sewell ) – first developed the concept in 1997 after conducting a series of Tendering Training Workshops in London – He subsequently received a grant from the former ( Department for Trade & Industry ) - a condition of the grant was that the programme should be (a) accredited and (b) available online.


Our course provides practical information and resources that cover (c) (RFP - Request for Proposals) and (d) (PQQ, Pre-Qualifications Questionnaire) – these sample documents provides examples of a typical RFP and typical PQQ that enables a more detailed understanding of each topic.
The (PQQ, Pre-Qualifications Questionnaire) - Guide provides simple answers for all the critical questions and issues related to procurement it is supported by sample Policy Documents…
To achieve accreditation - the programme must be ( Mapped ) to recognized NVQ management standards – The programme has been mapped to the (ILM) – Institute of Learning & management – NVQ Level 5 in Management.


Learning is a continual process, one never stops acquiring knowledge and skills, for both practical and esoteric reasons. Work based skills has had the spot light shone on them with greater intensity over a period of many years, this has been done within the Framework of both EU and UK Educational Qualifications -
Accredited courses provides the ability to apply a high level of quality control to a firm’s human resources or individual’s learning requirements.
Tendering for Contracts Training were also accredited by The Chartered Management Institute … (CMI) as an Accredited Training Centre…and Lloyd Sewell has been a member of The Institute of Consulting (IC) is the professional body for consultants and business advisers in the United Kingdom.


The course consists of (6) basic modules, the learner is required to provide answers to multiple choice questions – during each module – the answers are stored and accumulated in the sixth module – (Self-Assessment Module) - At the end of this module the learner is presented with the totals of all the correct answers that has been entered.
We provide approximately (30 pages) additional materials in support of each module – these materials explain in greater detail the approach and content more fully.


To achieve the “Diploma in Tendering for Contract Management – learners are required to insert the correct answers to the multiple choice questions in a 290 page workbook- learners must obtain an aggregated score of 70% or greater - there are no pre-entry requirements.


Our Course is Listed on all UK Training Portals
Training Advice Portals

Examples: Tendering for Contracts is listed on the TAP (Training Advice Point) website. The last review was requested in Sept 2014.


Training Programme Content

 Our programme offers learners the following:
 Access to the Online Training Materials
 A 290 page Learner Workbook +
 130 pages Support Materials + Procurement Case Studies,
 Procurement Workshop Presentations in PowerPoint, Flash and
 Online Videos, Sample Procurement Documents
 ITOL Externally Accredited Certificate / Diploma


Here are the skills that will be learnt; -

 Identify tenders as they are announced.
 Respond to tenders – request for proposals effectively.
 Research, prepare and submit tenders.
 Implement quality management systems.
 Marketing products and services effectively.
 Managing contracts efficiently


What will be supplied :
Tendering Training Learning Materials to Learners
Training Materials Accredited Online Based Tendering Training + Hard Copy Support Materials
AUDIO – Introduction to Tendering for Contracts Training
PPT - PowerPoint Presentation –
- Understanding Pre-Qualification Questionnaires
- Why Tendering for Public Sector Contracts
- Understanding Public Procurement
- Sales Management
- Project Management


Press Releases –


Published Videos :
- Understanding Pre-Qualification Questionnaires
- Why Tendering for Public Sector Contracts
- Understanding Public Procurement
- Sales Management
- Project Management
- Marketing Management


Support Materials - Published Articles UK Public Sector Bids & Tenders
 What is a PQQ
 Why Tender for Public Sector Contracts
 Creating A Level Playing Field in UK Public Sector Tendering
 + Several others


Learning Hours; - There are a minimum of

145 - Guided Learning Hours - Basic Course +
45 - Additional Learning Hours - Support Materials + T4CT Interaction +
( * ) + Any Additional Support that may be required -

Please note that learners may proceed at their own pace.


Course Workbook :

Learners will be assessed by means of a completed workbook which will be supplied on enrollment onto the course, the workbook will be marked by T4CT Administrator.

The workbook is designed to assist the candidate’s knowledge retention and understanding of the whole qualification. The specified learning outcomes are embodied in the questions asked in the training programme.

To achieve this introductory qualification, candidates must meet all of the learning outcomes. If the learning outcomes are not met, the workbook will be ‘referred’ back to the learner and guidance will be given on the additional work required.


Participants will need to show:

 High level of commitment to complete (Required)
 Commitment to the principles of the course (Required)
 Complete all assignments on time (Required)
 Complete the workbook (Required)
 Complete a short knowledge assessment (Optional)


Management Best Practice

There is a clear and well established link between good management practices and improved organisational performance. Recognising this, T4CT requires you to demonstrate how you are applying your newly acquired skills to make a significant impact within your organisation.


Transform Careers

Looking to the future, if you wish to benchmark your personal capability outside your own industry T4CT is a worthwhile and valuable training and resource centre.

Making the Content of Qualifications - (Certificates / Diploma) easier to understand:

 Helps individuals enter and progress through quality education and training
 Encourages learners to embark on skill improvement
 Making training and qualifications more economical and compatible
 Leads to more consistent outcomes in education - training and employment.


Audio presentation;

Course Preview;

Here are the skills that will be learnt; -

Capacity building programmes that empower individuals and teams.
Equip participants to achieve excellence and success.
Develop leadership and management pathway.
Establish the core competencies for effective procurement.
Provide the information on which skills and knowledge can be built.
Beneficiaries -


The Course is suitable for; - Individuals - Existing Team Leaders – or SME’s who have received little or no formal training in tendering and procurement and would benefit from the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge needed to achieve excellence.

Programme Development Methodology

1) - Based on EU / UK Public Sector Procurement Directives
2) - Pedagogy based UK National Qualifications Framework & EU Qualifications Framework
3) - Mapped to Institute of Learning & Management - (NVQ) Level 5 Diploma in Management


Testimonial : British Gas Chief Procurement Officer :

Being a specialist in the field of procurement for the last 20 years and with my British Gas Chief Procurement Officer hat on, I believe this to be an excellent on-line training programme. The training is suitable for managers / owners of firms who wish to learn how to tender for public sector contracts and also for individuals who wish to improve their management skills or change their careers and are too busy to attend public courses.


Learning Support

 Online Admin - Progress Reports - Procurement Newsletters
 Mentoring Support via email and telephone
 Additional (130 pages) of Practical Hands-on Support Materials
 Sample Copies of Contracts and the Required Policy Documents
 Sample Copies of Request for Proposal - Pre Qualification Questionnaires
 Sales - Marketing - Small Project Management - Quality Management Systems - (PPT)
 Tendering and Procurement Audio and Video Support Materials



T4CT_ITOL Accreditation Document.pdf

Course Description Link; /t4ct_description.pdf


Our Aim

The aim of our training programme is to create a level playing field in public sector tendering through online training and support that enables small firms to profit from taking part in the procurement process and individuals to understand the procurement process and improve their careers.


Online Video Support Materials


Organisation Details
Domaine d'activités / intérêts
Adult education provider
Media organisation specialised in adult education

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