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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


Chapman Charitable Trust accepting applications for grants of £1,000 to £2,000

The Chapman Charitable Trust (CCT) are now accepting applications for grants of £1,000 to £2,000 from charities or organisations that promote good physical and mental wellbeing, conserve the natural environment, or support accessibility of the arts. The trustees of CCT meet twice a year to decide which charities and organisations should receive the CCT charity income.

Their website provides information on the charities that they support, details of how to apply and guidelines. There is also information on the charity’s history, grants that have been provided in the past and links to explore some of the charity’s donees.

Man holding out his hands that are filled with pound coins .

Applications CCT are unable to consider include those related to individuals and their welfare, Community Interest Companies (CICs), Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) and Cooperative Societies and not-for-profit organisations. For those wishing to attain a grant higher than £2,000, you must be a charity where the current trustees have a special oversight or a charity originally supported by CCT benefactor Marjorie Chapman.

Trustees will meet in September and March to consider the applications received in the past six months. If the application has been successful, notification will be sent out around the middle of the month after trustees have had their meeting. For any unsuccessful applications, charities are welcome to apply again in the future.


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