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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

Welcome to the EPALE Hall of Fame!
Meet our Community Heroes, the real people who make EPALE flourish. Get to know the community members who have shown exceptional engagement to EPALE, contributing with their ideas, reflections and participation!
Would you like to be featured in this section? Be active on EPALE and earn points, until you become a Community Hero, too! Find out more here.
Fully involved in the social and intercultural fields, I work at EnAIP Piemonte ETS as Social Cohesion and International Co-operation Service Manager, dealing with social cohesion, foreign languages training, international co-operation, innovative learning systems development, skills recognition.
What I love the most about EPALE is the opportunity to collaborate and connect with experts and institutions from all over the world.
I am glad to be part of this international community and to be able to share, discuss, learn and improve in the field of adult education.
Nevşehir Public Education Centre started its activities in 1966 to meet the needs of cultural mobilisation and out-of-school education in our province. Open Education works and procedures are also carried out.
EPALE is a very nice platform where we come together to share knowledge, experience and inspiration in the adult field.
EPALE is a multidimensional platform for those working in the field of adult education and exchangers provide each other with good examples in their field.
I am a methodologist for communication and project management at the Panevėžys Elena Mezginaitė Public Library. I am responsible for shaping the public image of the network libraries, developing, coordinating and controlling projects, conducting research.
I am delighted to be part of this large international community and to be able to share my workplace experience in adult education.
What I like most about Epale is that all people and organisations working in the field of adult education can freely share their experiences and insights by joining this community.
I am a project manager dedicated to the preparation and implementation of projects in the field of adult education. I work at AEI Studium, an adult education institution in Croatia where I'm responsible for the internationalization and development of new partnerships and opportunities
I'm motivated to explore new partnership opportunities, share knowledge, and keep building new skills.
What I love the most about EPALE is the opportunity to collaborate and connect with experts and institutions from all over the world. It is a unique platform that helps us build our capacities and skills through international cooperation.
I am part of the largest public library in Northern Lithuania which is equally accessible to all users.
We are proud to be part of the EPALE professional community. Let's share knowledge, empower learners, and promote inclusive education.
EPALE gives us the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, good practices and challenges with other adult education organisations across Europe. It is a great opportunity not only to share what we do, but also to learn from others and improve our activities.
I work as Head of internationalisation in the field of Vocational Education and Training in the Regional Ministry of Education of Castilla y León. I am a strong supporter of the Erasmus+ programme.
Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling is an urgent priority, Be part of EPALE and you'll discover an array of opportunities.
EPALE plays a fundamental role in showing opportunities for adult learners, their teachers and institutions, making visible the good practices in order to build community.
We prepare the environment for adults to develop their professional skills and aims to show that interests and talents are latent powers that continue throughout life. I am a very large-scale adult school that tries to fulfil my official responsibility with a civil society awareness.
By working together in international organisations as part of this community, we can say that adults also have something new to say.
EPALE has prepared an environment where adults can express themselves. In addition, we encounter a platform that enables us to see that European culture and our society can act together in many activities around universal values.
I actively work in the field of adult education. I analyze educational issues of target groups of adults (e.g. migrants), and the competences of adult educators.
I am ready to collaborate on new ideas and projects!
What I love most about EPALE are the Collaborative Spaces.
I am a PhD student, Junior Researcher of Sociology and lecturer of community development and social welfare at the University of Tartu, Estonia. I have been one of the ambassadors of EPALE in Estonia since 2020. My passions for the last 20 years are volunteering, youthwork and well-being.
Keep sharing your experiences, both good practices but also the ones that did not went well, because there is no failure. You either succeed or learn!
EPALE as a community of practice in the field of adult education gives its users amazing opportunity to exchange experiences, ideas, newest information on the field. During the last 5 years EPALE has had a positive impact both on my self-development and self-awareness and I keep learning from it.
For almost thirty years, I have been working in a non-governmental organization, Lithuanian Adult Education Association: from administrator to president, currently I am an project expert. My fields of interest are andragogy and learn to learn competence. I have a PhD in Social Sciences.
Let's start every day with EPALE!
EPALE is a source from which I can draw experience and add my own opinion and knowledge. This is a community where only good news works. Since 2015, I have been a national EPALE expert in Lithuania.
LCF is a Private Institution of Public Utility, has the NGO for Development status and is a training centre certified in Portugal, accredited by ERASMUS+ in Adult Education and recognised for its training, for more than 30 years of experience, by social workers, teachers and trainers
LCF is a non-profit and public utility organisation. By choosing us for your training, you are supporting our projects and creating social value!
I love that EPALE ensures the possibility of creating a network of connections between organizations.
I am Tino, an adult learning professional and European project promoter with more than 25 years' work experience. Being an active EPALE user since the very beginning of the platform, I am supporting EPALE Germany as ambassador since 2017 ongoing.
t's never too late to learn - not only for the adult learners we are addressing in our work, but as well for ourselves - every single day!
For me, EPALE has ever since been a unique place of inspiration and exchange, with lots of opportunities to learning, improving, and networking between adult and further education stakeholders.