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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

Event Details

5 juil

SCUTREA Conference 2016

Profile picture for user Jonathan Lear.
Jonny Lear

The Standing Conference on the University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) conference brings together researchers and professionals from the field of adult education and lifelong learning and provides a platform to discuss themes and topics of national and international interest.

Date: 5/7 July, University of Leicester

Event Details
As planned
Type d'évènement
Site Web de l'évènement
Organiser name
The Standing Conference on the University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA)
University of Leicester
SCUTREA Conference Organiser contact details:
Vaughan Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Leicester,
128 Regent Road, Leicester, LE1 7PA, UK
If you have any questions please send an email to or call +44 (0)116 252 5914
Nombre de délégués
> 200
Groupe cible
Universitaires, étudiants, chercheurs en andragogie
Réseaux et organisations de formation des adultes
Objectifs visés
At the conference you will explore the tensions between the politics of austerity and the positive impacts and benefits of adult education, by addressing themes that could include:
Active citizenship, Adult education, character and the cultivation of virtues, Career enhancement and development, Creativity and innovation, Families and communities, Formal and Informal learning, Learning in multiple communities, Lifelong learning and mobility, Skills and employment, Second chance education, Social inclusion, Teaching and learning environments/spaces, Wellbeing and aging, Widening participation.
Frais de participation

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Dernières discussions

Profile picture for user Agence Erasmus Plus France Education Formation.
Agence Erasmus + France Education Formation
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Quels thèmes souhaiteriez-vous voir traités sur EPALE?


Johanne Ranson
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

La nécessité d'éduquer au consentement dès le plus jeune âge

Skills for consent, un projet de création d’un livret d’activités d’éducation au consentement

Profile picture for user n00aon04.
Marco Cecchinato

Durabilité et formation des adultes : aller au-delà des compétences vertes ?

Rejoignez-nous pour réfléchir aux compétences vertes comme moyen d'aborder des questions complexes et interconnectées telles que le changement climatique et les défis environnementaux.
