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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

Event Details

7 nov

Heritage in Progress - HIP Conference

Profile picture for user NSS Sverige.

On the 7th – 9th of November we welcome you to HIP - Heritage in Progress - a conference on understanding and intercultural competence. For three days we will immerse ourselves in how a world heritage or a cultural heritage site can be used as a potential tool for intercultural dialogue. Welcome to Tanum World Heritage!

Event Details
As planned
Type d'évènement
Site Web de l'évènement
Type d'organisateur
Autre événement
Organiser name
Vitlycke Museum/Västarvet and Cultural Affairs Committee in Region Västra Götaland in cooperation with Swedish National Heritage Board, The County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland, the Cultural Heritage Academy at the University of Gothenburg and Tanum Municipality.
Groupe cible
Réseaux et organisations de formation des adultes
Objectifs visés
The three-days meeting will contain exciting lecturers and different ways to engage civil society by means of time travel methods, discussing the role of cultural institutions in a diverse society as well as hands on workshops. The programme will be full of speakers and inspirators that will make this event into one of the most important conferences of the year.

By inviting representatives from all the world/cultural heritage sites in Europe and beyond into the collaboration intercultural dialogue, we believe we create possibilities for a continued development and generate more knowledge around the cultural heritage as a meeting point and the connection between cultures; then, now and for a sustainable future.
Frais de participation

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Dernières discussions

Profile picture for user Agence Erasmus Plus France Education Formation.
Agence Erasmus + France Education Formation
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Quels thèmes souhaiteriez-vous voir traités sur EPALE?


Johanne Ranson
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

La nécessité d'éduquer au consentement dès le plus jeune âge

Skills for consent, un projet de création d’un livret d’activités d’éducation au consentement

Profile picture for user n00aon04.
Marco Cecchinato

Durabilité et formation des adultes : aller au-delà des compétences vertes ?

Rejoignez-nous pour réfléchir aux compétences vertes comme moyen d'aborder des questions complexes et interconnectées telles que le changement climatique et les défis environnementaux.
