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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa


Act To Understand It - Roleplay Simulation Resources

Thomas Brisson Jørgensen

About This Resource

The purpose of this resource is to provide help and experience to others, that wish to apply or experiment with roleplay simulations, but are not sure where or how to start.

A simulation can be one of the most engaging and immersive methods to use in non-formal learning. It can get people to open up and come to deep realizations about themselves and others. But at the same time simulations are very demanding, and a lot of thought needs to be put into their design and execution.

The Simulation Guidelines handbook is the result of our collective learning during the Erasmus+ co-funded 'Act To Understand It' youth workers mobility project, that took place in Serbia in August of 2022. In it you will find tips and tricks, suggestions, do's and don'ts, and much more. There are also links to instructional videos from our own designed simulation activities, that further illustrate the topics is covered in the handbook.

The Murder of Alice Blunt Simulation is an example of a ready made simulation that you can use and adapt freely to your purposes, when working with people on the topic of for example media biases. It includes a set of instructions and a series of connected PowerPoint slides.

Participating organizations in the Act To Understand It project and training were: Ways (Denmark), SFERA Serbia (Serbia), NGO People (Ukraine), Youth BCN (Spain), Forandringshuset (Norway), Rooftop Theatre Group (Cyprus), IKOS (Türkiye), STEPS Centre (Albania) and BRAVO (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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