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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa


Sustainable Skills for Future Farmers

Why Farmers Should Partner with VET for a Sustainable Future?

Profile picture for user EuropeaPl.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

A sustainable future for agriculture depends on solid partnerships between farmers, agricultural institutions and vocational schools. By working together, we have enhanced knowledge and skills, promoted innovation, supported environmental management and increased sustainability skills. Our project has benefited students and teachers and contributed to the broader objective of sustainability. Sustainability requires a high level of understanding of climate change and a high level of skills and behaviour of people working and being employed in the agricultural sector. 

Please follow all project activities with integrated agricultural climatic impact adaptation strategies:   

Sustainable Skills for Future Farmers project NR 2022-1-TR01-KA210-VET-000081255 was granted by the Turkish National Agency.

Coordinator School: Fatma Aliye Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Project partners: Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Rolniczej i Lesnej EUROPEA Polska, Prva zadruga na potrosuvaci na organska hrana NASA DOBRA ZEMJA so ogranicena odgovornost Skopje, Vocational High School of Agriculture "Nikola Pushkarov" 

It is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme. However, the European Commission and the Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained herein.

Turkish National Agency.png.
Sustainable Skills for Future Farmers .
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