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Handicraftsmen of peace: weaving the threads of intercultural and intergenerational adult education in Europe

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Alessandra Ceccherelli

The hereby published resource has been the keynote speech presentation at Erasmus+ TCA in Palermo (13th-15th October 2016), titled "Adult education in Erasmus+ to promote intergenerational and intercultural dialogue to build a society of inclusion and integration". Dr. Gilda Esposito, from University of Florence, spoke about the state of the art and main objectives related to research in the field of human studies in adult learning. Research analyzes evidencies and scientific data to tackle perceptions, then new activities and projects can be set up to foster social innovation through lifelong learning and community learning.








Key words:

- Social and educational innovation in the transition society

- Didactics and arts for inclusive learning in pluri-cultural contexts

- Community learning beyond intercultural and intergenerational borders

- No-hate speech


Short summary of the presentation

Gilda Esposito workshop, at TCA Palermo.
Ice-breaking: humangeography in our seminar. Let's shape Europe with our bodies, according the country we are coming from.

Who are we, really? A rapid excursus on a changing Europe facing the challenging of massive migrations and ageing. Data against perceptions in the transition society.

What do we need? How experiences of social innovation are modeld around new needs and aspirations of European societies: the focus on lifelong learning and community learning.

What are our common values? Three roads to sustainable change: valuing each citizen's cultural heritage, building trust over hate speech and rediscovering bodies and nature.

How can we do it? Three experiences of investing in creative didactics: intergenerational learning in "Connecting Generations" (Grundtvig Learning Partnership), learning circles across cultures for adult learning in NOPROS-No profit Space (Grundtvig multi-lateral projet) and inclusive classrooms in META-Minority Education Through Art (Erasmus KA 3)

The way forward: Distribution of a short format for collecting ideas on intergenerational and intercultural adult learning. Feed back in plenary.




"We define social innovations as new ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet (new or emerging) social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations. In other words they are innovations, that are both good for society and enhance society's capacity to act".

The open book of social innovation, Murray, Caulier-Grice, Mulgan, NESTA, 2010


More about the seminar




Ms Gilda Esposito, University of Florence, Science education and psychology Department

Gilda Esposito graduated in Politics in Milano in 1997 and has served until 2009 as an aid worker in East and West Africa, South East Asia, Central America and Europe. She has worked with the United Nations, several NGOs and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specializing in community development and participatory action research. She has a Master Degree in Gender Analysis and a PhD in Education, obtained at the University of Firenze, where she is actually employed as researcher in social and eco-pedagogy. Over the last seven years, she has formulated and realized several EU projects on intergenerational and intercultural education with a g-local approach and has contributed to the creation of the Observatory of Social Change in the Municipality of La Spezia. Her broad areas of research are social innovation, generative communication, creative didactics and participatory methodologies. She adores sunset over the 5 Terre sea.

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Gilda Esposito, University of Florence
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