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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu

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Yeni ortaklık anlaşması üyeleri arayan Akredite edilmiş Erasmus+ koordinatörleri


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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Currently, Amica is an accredited entity within the Erasmus+ Programme and is participating in the mobility project for adult learners and adult education staff. Due to its accumulated experience, Amica has managed to develop the methodology of support and accompaniment to the person in the environment, within which the Accommodation and Independent Living Program is developed through which services and resources are developed that aim to advance towards the deinstitutionalization and community life of people. One of the objectives of Amica is to advance in the protagonism of the person through the development of new formulas of independent living.
Maria Jose CABO
|Yayınlanan 1 yıl ago
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Join OPAL Teacher Training for practical ERASMUS+ KA1 courses on ICT, CLIL, gamification, burnout prevention and assessment. pre-registration open now!
Profile picture for user n002x2ya.
Eva Boskovic
|Yayınlanan 1 yıl ago