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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu

National Support Service - Slovakia


    Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic - The Ministry of Education is the administrator of the fulfilment of the main tasks in relation to adult education and this ministry with its expert organizations is responsible for the development of the policies and strategies in the field of lifelong learning including the adult education. The Ministry roofs the organization of the whole education system in the country.   

    In addition to the above mentioned, it also provides for the education of employees in the state administration within its competency and employees performing public work and the education of employees (of specialized state administration) of territorial self-government fulfilling the tasks of state administration.        

    Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic – This ministry closely cooperates with the Ministry of Education  in the tasks connected with the adult education in the field of employment (the provision of education and re-qualification of the unemployed, employees, furthermore education and the preparation of persons suffering from unfavorable health circumstances or disabilities for the labor market). Unemployed, persons at risk of unemployment and persons with disabilities constitute a special target group in the sector of this ministry.

    Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic - Adult education within the sector of this ministry is targeted to professional soldiers, who constitute a special target group in the field of adult education within this sector.

    Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic - Adult education within the Ministry of Justice is focused to judges, court clerks, court experts, members of the Corps of Prison and Court Guards and citizens becoming the part of society upon the end of serving their sentence in prison, who constitute special target groups of adult education within the sector of this ministry.

    Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic - The sector of this ministry incorporates the education of a special target group of adults, members of the Police and Fire Departments and Rescue Corps. Since January 1, 2002, the Ministry of Interior also fulfills the tasks of the central state administration body for the coordination of the education of employees of municipalities and upper-tier territorial units fulfilling the tasks of the state administration.

    Ministry of Culture of the SR - Its competency incorporates public education regulated by a special regulations. This specific education is defined as the summary of activities which through its effect based on voluntary initiative, interest and the creative abilities of people contribute to the development of their personalities and the creation of a cultural way of life. It includes amateur adult education and free time activities. The target group of adult education incorporates the education of experts within the ministry and all adult citizens.

    Ministry of Health of the SR - The special target groups of adult education within the sector of the Ministry of Health are constituted by healthcare workers. Physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, laboratory assistants (healthcare and pharmaceutical), assistants (licensed radiological assistants, health rescue workers, nutrition assistants, healthcare assistants), physiotherapists, technicians, public healthcare workers constitute independent subgroups.      

    Ministry of Agriculture and rural development of the SR - Adult education is implemented also within the sector of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture has its concepts of the education of employees and has also elaborated its own strategy of lifelong learning in agriculture for the period 2007 – 2013.  The special target group is constituted by farmers, primary processors of agricultural products, employees of forest management and veterinary surgeons. 

    Ministry of Finance of the SR - Its competency incorporates the customs administration, state treasury, tax directorate and financial control administration. Cooperation and policy dialogue is needed between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance in order to find the possibilities and policies for effective financing of adult education in the Slovak Republic.

    Central office of Labour, Social affairs and Family, local labour offices - Central office of Labour is a governmental body, ensuring the execution of state administration in the field of social affairs and employment services. Central office of Labour manages, monitors, coordinates and methodically directs power through the 46 local labour offices.

    SAAIC - Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation is a voluntary association of individuals and legal entities, which was established in order to promote and coordinate international cooperation programs of Slovak universities and other institutions, in particular with the countries of the European Community within the educational and other programs (for example Erasmus +, Euroguidance, Tempus, etc.).

    Employers ‘associations - Employers ‘associations play an important role in adult education. The policy dialog with these associations is irreplaceable in order to link the adult education strategies and policies with the labour market needs. 

    Associations in adult education and guidance - Definition of the needs of institutions providing adult education and guidance is also important in order to set the effective adult education strategies. For example: AIVD - Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic, ALKP – Association of lecturers and career counsellors, ASUTV – Association of the Universities of the Third Age, etc.



    Government bodies

    Institutions, organization


    Representatives of employers

    Social partners

    • Bipartite (representatives of Slovak employers and employees) 
    • Alliance A5 (5 most important industry unions of the Slovak Republic: Union of the Automotive Industry of the Slovak Republic, Union of the Engineering Industry of the Slovak Republic, Association of Metallurgy, Mining Industry and Geology of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Union of Building Contractors, Slovak Electromechanic Association)



    Local governing authorities and higher territorial units

