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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи

Event Details

24 Jun

AELP Annual Conference 2019 – Skills for better productivity and social mobility


The Association of Employment and Learning Providers are holding their 2019 Annual Conference in London from 24 to 25 June and the national Awarding Organisation NCFE are sponsoring the event. The focus of the conference will be on debating whether all levels of post-16 learning are truly open to everyone, no matter their background. Programmes such as traineeships, apprenticeships, T levels, functional skills and higher education will be covered in a series of plenary sessions and their impact on social mobility and productivity will be discussed. Due to the growing concern surrounding assessment in apprenticeship programmes in terms of their capacity and consistency, quality assurance methods will be fully covered.

Time and date: 8:30am 24 June 2019 – 7:00pm 25 June 2019

Location: Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge, London

Delegates will be able to attend five plenary sessions and a larger number of workshops than has been possible in previous years. Speakers are drawn from a range of areas, including the Department for Education, Ofsted, Ofqual, IfATE and ESFA and other sector organisations. Speakers who have already confirmed include Amanda Spielman (Ofsted), Mark Compton (Access Creative College) and Marie-Claire O’Brien (New Leaf Initiative).
AELP National Conferences logo

Themes covered at the conference include:

  • Funding policy updates
  • Supporting the learner and enabling them to progress
  • Apprenticeship at every level
  • Quality assessment and inspection
  • Employer Voice
  • Place (devolved)
  • AELP Policy Priorities
  • Viewpoint from HM Opposition
  • Ministerial Address 

There will also be a gala dinner evening after the first day of the conference, with a drinks reception before enjoying food. This will allow for networking among delegates and conference attendees and exhibitors. There will also be entertainment after the four-course dinner. This does come at an additional cost of £100 for a member and £150 for a non-member, but offers plenty of valuable networking opportunities.

Ticket prices vary depending on whether attendees are members or non-members. For a full range of tickets and different prices, please visit the AELP Events website

Event Details
As planned
Тип догађаја
Вебсајт догађаја
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Registration URL
T: 0117 947 2097; E:; a chat option is also available on the website
Број учесника
100 - 200
Циљна публика
Мреже и организације у образовању одраслих
Циљеви и сврха догађаја
To debate whether all levels of post-16 learning are open to everyone and to give special focus to quality assurance methods concerning apprenticeship programmes. To deliver a greater number of workshops than in previous years to ensure there is something that will appeal to everyone.
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Ana Anakijev | EPALE Srbija

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