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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë

Kërkimi i partnerit

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Gjeni informacionin më të fundit se si BE promovon politikën e të të nxënit për të rritur

Applied Filters

Accredited organisation
We are ready to join consortiums for the upcoming Erasmus+ centralized calls (Policy experimentation, Teacher academies)
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Profile picture for user n004bnst.
Andrea Maksimović
Community Hero (Gold Member).
|Postuar nga 2 months më parë
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
AEI Studium from Croatia is ready to participate as partners in project proposals for the upcoming calls.
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Profile picture for user n004bnst.
Andrea Maksimović
Community Hero (Gold Member).
|Postuar nga 3 months më parë
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė public library is a governmental organization, located in Klaipėda, Lithuania, working in the fields of culture and non-formal education. We work with improving media and digital literacy skills, encouraging creativity and developing culture education training programs for people of all ages and social backgrounds.   We are a Project Coordinator searching for Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation partnerships project partners. We are looking for all types of organizations with experience working with heritage, culture, innovation and civic education. Also, organizations working with persons with intellectual dissabilities and reading difficulties.  Together we will explore the possibilities and innovative ways of increasing accessibility to civic education for adult learners. Project implementation is planned for 2024-2026. 
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Viktorija Žilinskaitė
|Postuar nga 10 months më parë