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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë

Redes Cooperativa


REDES operates annually in Madrid, assisting 600 individuals of various ages who are at risk of vulnerability due to migrant backgrounds, lower incomes, cultural differences, and more.

In the Family, Children, and Youth Program, we have a team consisting of psychologists, pedagogues, teachers, social workers, and youth workers. We undertake various projects and offer services aimed at combating gender violence, enhancing parental skills, empowering communities, nurturing youth talents, preventing teenage issues, supporting families in need, fostering academic development, and addressing learning difficulties in children and young people.

Under the Senior Program, we operate a person-centered daycare center for 35 individuals over the age of 65.

Under the Consultancy and Formative program, we offer courses on social, psychological, and non-formal education approaches.

Networks, both national and local, form the foundation of our operations. We are keen on joining an international network to share knowledge, experiences, and activities with our participants.

We have experience in youth exchanges and other youth programs and are interested in participating in various K1 and K2 projects.

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Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Research organisation or a think-tank
Media organisation specialised in adult education
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