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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë


Active Citizenship Through Dialogue in Virtual Teacher Communities

Christiana KAROUSIOU
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

In times of crisis as a result of current socio-economic and political turbulence, students need to become active citizens who enact on decisions about their everyday lives. Dialogue and argumentation skills enable students to actively take part in productive discussions by sharing their views without hesitation, building on others’ ideas, challenging ideas, examining alternative ideas and, being able to provide good justifications that support their ideas. Nevertheless, teachers find it difficult to coordinate discussions around the social aspects of a subject which brings uncertainty into the discussions as well as challenging to guide student learning which encompasses moral and ethical aspects.

ACT-DI-V, an Erasmus+ European project (2022-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000089062) aims to fill this gap by supporting teachers in their efforts to promote active and responsible citizenship in their classrooms while helping them transform their pedagogical practices to ones that will allow them to coordinate discussions around issues related to responsible citizenship.

The project’s specific objectives are to:
1.raise awareness about the importance of promoting active and responsible citizenship education through dialogue and argumjentation the pedagogic competences of teachers on active and responsible citizenship education 
3.develop hands-on resources on promoting active and responsible citizenship education to improve the students’ critical thinking and decision making skills in order to be able to participate in democratic discussions. 

To stay updated on the latest news and announcements check the project's website and social media:







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